
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What does it mean to be poor in spirit, as Jesus said we ought to be?

What does it mean to be poor in spirit, as Jesus said we ought to be? I don't understand this, because it seems to me that we ought to strive to be rich in spirit, not poor. Or am I missing the point?

I've made such a mess of my life and I know God doesn't want anything to do with me.

I've made such a mess of my life and I know God doesn't want anything to do with me, because years ago, when I had the chance to turn my life over to Him, I turned away. I wanted to run my own life, and now I'm paying the price. Please tell people to accept God while they can, or they'll lose out like I have.

Is looking at pornography wrong in God's eyes?

Is looking at pornography wrong in God's eyes? I admit I've gotten hooked on it through the Internet (which my wife doesn't know about) but I'm not sure I see anything wrong with it. Do you?

I'd always looked forward to being a mother, but to be honest, I hate it.

I'd always looked forward to being a mother, but to be honest, I hate it. Our 2-year-old doesn't give me a minute's rest, and the baby is always cranky. I thought it would be fun to be a mother, but I'm exhausted. Please pray I'll have patience.

Is suicide the unpardonable sin?

My cousin had very serious emotional problems most of her life, and finally they overwhelmed her and she committed suicide. I firmly believe she was a Christian, but did she lose her salvation by doing this? Is suicide the unpardonable sin?

My aunt gave me a very nice gold cross to wear as a necklace said it would bring me good luck. Is she right?

For my high school graduation, my aunt gave me a very nice gold cross to wear as a necklace, and she said it would bring me good luck if I wore it. Is she right?

When were the angels created?

When were the angels created? Or have they always existed, just like God has? I've never seen an angel, and probably never will, but I believe they exist and they do watch over us.

If Jesus came to earth now instead of 2,000 years ago, do you think people would treat Him any differently?

If Jesus came down to earth now instead of 2,000 years ago, do you think people would treat Him any differently than they did then? Although we still have a lot of problems, it is a less cruel world now than it was then, it seems to me.

The Bible doesn't tell us we have to vote, does it?

I know everyone says we ought to vote in the elections that are coming up in a few months, but I'm tired of all the political conflict and I don't see any point in voting. After all, the Bible doesn't tell us we have to vote, does it?

I find the Bible confusing whenever I try to read it. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I know I ought to read my Bible, but I've never been much of a reader, and anyway, I just find the Bible confusing whenever I do try to read it. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I knew being divorced and becoming a single mom would be hard, but what I didn't expect was the desire to strike back.

I knew being divorced and becoming a single mom would be hard, but what I didn't expect was the anger I feel and the desire to strike back. My ex-husband was unfaithful behind my back, then just abandoned us when I discovered what was going on. I am a Christian and I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just can't help it. What should I do?

Why do churches keep asking for money all the time?

Why do churches keep asking for money all the time? Frankly, it turns me off and I think it does the same to lots of others. If people want to give that's fine, but I don't think they ought to be talked into giving money.