
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Is spirituality something some people are just born with and others aren't?

I guess I've always believed in God, but I've not been what you'd call a very spiritual person. Recently, however, some things have happened that have made me realize I need to get closer to God, but I don't know how. Is spirituality something some people are just born with and others aren't?

Why do very few people change their religious views once they become older?

Why do very few people change their religious views once they become older? Most of the Christians I know made their commitment to Christ before they were 25 (including me), while most of the older people I know who aren't active Christians don't seem to have any interest in God.

A friend of mine says she's a Christian, and I'm sure she thinks she is, but she also is the most prejudiced person I've ever met.

A friend of mine says she's a Christian, and I'm sure she thinks she is, but she also is the most prejudiced person I've ever met. She looks down on people of other races and calls them names I don't even want to listen to. Am I wrong to doubt the sincerity of her faith?

Recently, a church-going man in our community was convicted for molesting his daughters. How could something like this happen?

Recently, a man in our town was convicted and sent to jail for molesting his daughters. The most shocking thing was that he was a respected businessman in our community and even belonged to a church. How could something like this happen?

If God will forgive us for anything we do (no matter how bad it is), then why should we try to be good?

If God will forgive us for anything we do (no matter how bad it is), then why should we try to be good? It seems to me that all we have to do is ask God to forgive us when we do wrong, and that's the end of it. At least that's what some people say, don't they?

I'm tempted to go on the Internet and sign up for one of those dating services. Do you think that would be a good idea?

I really want to get married, but I haven't found anyone, and now I'm beginning to wonder if I ever will. Maybe I'm getting panicky, but I'm tempted to go on the Internet and sign up for one of those dating services. Do you think that would be a good idea?

I'm very active in our church choir. But sometimes I wonder if it's just because I enjoy it, or because I want to serve God. How can I tell what my motives really are?

I love to sing, and I'm very active in our church choir. But sometimes I wonder if I'm singing in the choir just because I enjoy it, or because I want to serve God. How can I tell what my motives really are?

I grew up in a fine Christian home with loving parents, but I threw it all overboard. Is God too fed up with me to forgive me?

I've really lived a messed-up life, and the problem is I don't have any excuse for it. I grew up in a fine Christian home with loving parents, but I threw it all overboard—several abortions, theft from my employers to keep my drug habit going, etc. Now I'm in jail. Is God too fed up with me to forgive me?

How can I be sure I'm going to heaven when I die?

How can I be sure I'm going to heaven when I die? My aunt died not long ago, and it got me thinking about life after death. I've always tried to be a good person, but if someone were to ask me if I knew for sure that I am going to heaven, I'd have to say no, I'm not sure.

My wife has moved out. I've been a lousy husband, but do you think God would bring her back if I prayed hard enough?

I came home from work the other day and found my wife had moved out. She left a note saying not to try to find her because she'd found someone else. I admit I've been a lousy husband, but do you think God would bring her back if I prayed hard enough?

I'll be getting out of jail in a few months, and I'm debating what to do next.

I'll be getting out of jail in a few months, and I'm debating what to do next. My sister wants me to move near her, because she says I don't need to be around my old friends. But I don't like going where I don't know anyone. Maybe you can advise me.

What good does it do to pray? In spite of all our prayers, things just seem to be getting worse, not better.

I know you've said we need to pray for our world because we have so many problems. But what good does it do to pray? In spite of all our prayers, things just seem to be getting worse, not better. I get very discouraged when I look at the world today, and I don't see much hope, do you?