
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why are you convinced there is life after death?

Why are you convinced there is life after death? As far as I'm concerned, this life is all there is, and once it's over that's the end. But I'm open to any proof you might have, because I admit I wish I had something to look forward to.

What kind of person is in the most danger spiritually?

A question came up in our small group Bible study the other day, and we couldn't agree on an answer. The question was this: What kind of person is in the most danger spiritually? What would you say?

I don't agree with those who say we are just as responsible for Jesus' death as the people who lived in the first century.

I don't agree with those who say we are just as responsible for Jesus' death as the people who lived in the first century. Why would anyone say that? I didn't have anything to do with Jesus' death.

My cousin says he's an atheist and that only a fool would believe in God. What can I say to him to convince him that he's wrong?

My cousin says he's an atheist and that only a fool would believe in God. What can I say to him to convince him that he's wrong? I am a Christian, but whenever we discuss religion I never know how to answer his arguments because he's very persuasive.

What did Jesus mean when He said to let the dead bury the dead?

What did Jesus mean when He said to let the dead bury the dead? I've heard it quoted many times, but it doesn't make any sense. It must have a hidden meaning, but I've never heard anyone explain it.

Who is stronger, Satan or God?

Who is stronger, Satan or God? I know you'll probably say that God is stronger, but sometimes I wonder. After all, the world is filled with so much evil that it looks to me like Satan is winning most of the time, doesn't it?

I've always been shy, and I guess that's why I've never joined a church.

I've always been shy, and I guess that's why I've never joined a church. The one we went to when I was a child made everyone shake hands, and asked guests to stand up, and things like that, which embarrass me. I can't help it if I'm this way, can I?

My son (in his forties) died of cancer recently. He was a fine Christian … Why would God take someone like him?

My son (in his forties) died of cancer recently, and it's been very hard for us. He was a fine Christian, and many people prayed and believed he'd get well, but he didn't. Why would God take someone like him? I'm a Christian, but I just don't understand.

My mother (who is a Christian) is always on my case about the way I'm living, but I'm an adult now, and it's none of her business.

I wish you'd say something in your column about Christians who are judgmental and holier-than-thou. My mother (who is a Christian) is always on my case about the way I'm living, but I'm an adult now, and it's none of her business. I could do with more love and a lot less condemnation from you Christians.

Why does God seem to bless some people even when they don't have anything to do with Him?

Why does God seem to bless some people even when they don't have anything to do with Him? Some of the most prosperous people I know aren't religious, but that hasn't kept them from being very successful.

I became a Christian two months ago. But I know God must be very angry at me now, because I've done something I know I shouldn't have done. Have I lost my salvation?

I'm in high school and I became a Christian two months ago. But I know God must be very angry at me now, because I've done something I know I shouldn't have done. Have I lost my salvation? Can I get it back, or is God too upset with me?

Why is it that God will forgive you when you've done something wrong, but other people won't?

Why is it that God will forgive you when you've done something wrong, but other people won't? I admit I hurt some people over something I did wrong, but now they refuse to forgive me or have anything to do with me. I know God has forgiven me, but I want their forgiveness also.