
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Every year about this time, we get lots of letters from charities. How can we know which ones we ought to support?

Every year about this time, we get lots of letters from charities and religious organizations asking for money. I'm sure most of them do good work, but how can we know which ones we ought to support? We aren't wealthy, but we do try to give as much as we can.

My wife and I were married for 53 years before her death last spring. I don't think I'll ever get over it because we were so close.

My wife and I were married for 53 years before her death last spring. I know she's in heaven, but I don't think I'll ever get over it because we were so close. I feel like something has been ripped out of me, and I'm very lonely. I don't have a question, I guess, but I'd sure appreciate your prayers.

I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't sing or preach or anything like that. Can God still use me somehow?

I've heard our pastor say that God has given every person at least one gift, but how do I find out what mine is? I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't sing or preach or anything like that. Can God still use me somehow?

Is the day of the missionary over?

Is the day of the missionary over? We had some missionaries come to speak in our church recently, and they work in a country so hostile to Christians (and to foreigners) that I wonder if it's even worth trying to do mission work anymore.

My husband and I broke up our first marriages in order to get married, and although that was years ago I still feel guilty.

I know God is supposed to be able to do anything if we'll let Him, but can He turn something bad into something good? My husband and I broke up our first marriages in order to get married, and although that was years ago I still feel guilty over the heartache we caused our families.

What good does it do for me to pray for someone I hardly know?

What good does it do for me to pray for someone I hardly know? Our church (which is fairly large) has an active prayer chain, but often I don't even know the people they are asking me to pray for.

My friend laughs at hell and says he looks forward to it because all his friends will be there. Is he spiritually hopeless?

I have a friend who has no use for God. When I asked him if he ever worried about going to hell, he just laughed and said he looks forward to it because all his friends will be there and they'll have one big party. Is he spiritually hopeless?

If I commit a sin just before I die, and I don't have time to confess it to God or get His forgiveness, does that mean I won't go to heaven?

If I commit a sin just before I die, and I don't have time to confess it to God or get His forgiveness, does that mean I won't go to heaven?

I recently gave my life to Jesus. But does this mean I ought to stop living with my non-Christian boyfriend?

I've been on a spiritual search most of my life, and I've tried just about everything. A couple of weeks ago, however, I gave my life to Jesus, and I really believe my search is over. But does this mean I ought to stop living with my boyfriend? We've been together for over a year but he's made it clear that he isn't interested in Jesus.

I know you'll say we ought to keep Christ in Christmas, but how can we?

I know Christmas is still weeks away but already I'm dreading it. It's such a busy time for our family, and we always end up spending more than we should. I know you'll probably say we ought to keep Christ in Christmas, but how can we?

I've ruined my life, and now I'm in prison. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would it be?

I've ruined my life because of some stupid things I did, and now I'm in prison. I feel so hopeless. Even my family doesn't want anything to do with me when I get out in a few months. If you could give me just one piece of advice, what would it be?

What's the difference between feeling guilty over your sins and feeling regret for them? Or is there any?

What's the difference between feeling guilty over your sins and feeling regret for them? Or is there any? Several of us were discussing this in our Bible class the other day, but we didn't come to any conclusion.