
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Every year about this time, we get lots of letters from charities. How can we know which ones we ought to support?

Every year about this time, we get lots of letters from charities and religious organizations asking for money. I'm sure most of them do good work, but how can we know which ones we ought to support? We aren't wealthy, but we do try to give as much as we can.

My wife and I were married for 53 years before her death last spring. I don't think I'll ever get over it because we were so close.

My wife and I were married for 53 years before her death last spring. I know she's in heaven, but I don't think I'll ever get over it because we were so close. I feel like something has been ripped out of me, and I'm very lonely. I don't have a question, I guess, but I'd sure appreciate your prayers.

Where in the Bible is the verse that says it is human to make mistakes but it's divine to forgive them? What does it mean?

Where in the Bible is the verse that says it is human to make mistakes but it's divine to forgive them? What does it mean? I know I need to forgive people who hurt me but I don't know how.

I think we create our own heaven (or hell) right now by the way we live.

I know you believe people go to heaven after they die, but I think instead that "heaven" is something that only happens in this life. In other words, we create our own heaven (or hell) right now by the way we live.

Why do Christians keep claiming that they alone have the truth about God?

Why do Christians keep claiming that they alone have the truth about God? What is true for you isn't necessarily true for someone else. It just depends on the way we each look at things. The whole idea of "truth" is out of date, in my view.

How can I keep from getting upset whenever someone criticizes me, or says something that is hurtful, or ignores me?

How can I keep from getting upset whenever someone criticizes me, or says something that is hurtful, or ignores me, or things like that? I know I shouldn't be so sensitive to what people say but I can't seem to help it.

We have two children, and one is very easy to get along with, while the other is much more difficult. How can we keep from playing favorites?

We have two children, and they are as different as night and day. One is very easy to get along with, while the other is much more difficult and rebellious. How can we keep from playing favorites? Frankly, it's hard to like the difficult one as much as we do the nice one.

I've been in and out of jail more times than I can remember (drugs, alcohol, things like that). Am I hopeless?

I can't seem to get my life straightened out. I've been in and out of jail more times than I can remember (drugs, alcohol, things like that), and no matter how much counseling I get or how many resolutions I make, nothing seems to change. Am I hopeless?

If religion doesn't make a difference in a person's life, what good is it?

I might be interested in Christianity if I could ever meet a real Christian. My boss, for example, claims to be a Christian, and he's active in his church and all that, but he's one of the greediest people I've ever met. If religion doesn't make a difference in a person's life, what good is it?

If Jesus was God (as you Christians believe), how could He die? Does this mean that God died?

If Jesus was God (as you Christians believe), how could He die? Does this mean that God died? How could that be? I'm not trying to be difficult, but I've honestly never understood this.

I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't sing or preach or anything like that. Can God still use me somehow?

I've heard our pastor say that God has given every person at least one gift, but how do I find out what mine is? I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't sing or preach or anything like that. Can God still use me somehow?

Is the day of the missionary over?

Is the day of the missionary over? We had some missionaries come to speak in our church recently, and they work in a country so hostile to Christians (and to foreigners) that I wonder if it's even worth trying to do mission work anymore.