
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do you think people will ever learn to get along with each other so that wars and conflicts will eventually cease?

Do you think people will ever learn to get along with each other so that wars and conflicts will eventually cease? Shouldn't we do more to try to get people to respect each other and live in peace?

I know Christmas is supposed to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, but is there more to it than that?

I know Christmas is supposed to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, but is there more to it than that? I didn't grow up in a religious family, so I've never thought much about the meaning of Christmas. But now that I have a family of my own I'd like to explore some of the things I missed when I was growing up.

Is faith something that some people have and others don't—just like some people have blond hair and others don't?

Is faith something that some people have and others don't—just like some people have blond hair and others don't? I'd like to have faith in God, but I've almost decided that I'm never going to have it because I wasn't born with it. What would you say?

I think anyone in prison who claims they've gotten religion is faking it. They're just trying to impress the parole board.

I don't mean to offend you, but I don't believe people who tell me they have changed because they've given their life to Jesus. I'm in prison, and I think anyone around here who claims they've gotten religion is faking it. They're just trying to impress the parole board so they can get out earlier. What do you think?

How do you account for the fact that religious people sometimes have the most rebellious kids?

My parents were very sincere Christians, but somehow it didn't rub off on me. I know I've probably been a big disappointment to them but that's the way it is. How do you account for the fact that religious people sometimes have the most rebellious kids?

I've tried to confess all my sins to God so He will forgive them, but what about the ones I can't remember?

I've tried to confess all my sins to God so He will forgive them, but what about the ones I can't remember? I know I've probably forgotten about some of the things I've done, but does this mean God won't forgive them and I won't go to heaven?

I'd like to start my life all over again. What do you think I ought to include on my list of New Year's resolutions?

I know I've had a pretty messed up life so far—several marriages, drugs, lots of affairs, a couple of abortions, you name it. But I'd like to start all over again, so I've been trying to make some New Year's resolutions recently. What do you think I ought to include on my list?

Do you think it's useless to make New Year's resolutions, because we'll just end up ignoring them?

If you could make just one New Year's resolution for yourself for the coming year, what would it be? Or do you think it's useless to make resolutions like this, because we'll just end up ignoring them?

My children have gone off the deep end—drugs, sex, you name it. What did I do wrong?

My husband died of a heart attack when our children were still young, and I did my best to raise them. But now they've gone off the deep end—drugs, sex, you name it. What did I do wrong?

What should a person look for in a church?

What should a person look for in a church, in your opinion? I've finally admitted to myself that the church I'm now attending isn't the right one for me, but I'm not sure what I ought to be looking for in a church.

My co-workers laugh at me because I'm a committed Christian and have high moral standards. How should I react?

Almost everyone at work laughs at me because I'm a committed Christian and have high moral standards. They say I'm rigid and out-of-date and ought to be more flexible. I don't want to appear "holier-than-thou," but how should I react?

Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?

Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday? I'm in fifth grade and I have to write a paper on how my family celebrates Thanksgiving. My teacher hasn't said anything about thanking God, however.