
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I wish I could live my life over again. I've lost everything I ever had because of drugs—not just my money, but my family, friends, health and self-respect.

I wish I could live my life over again. I've lost everything I ever had because of drugs—not just my money, but my family, friends, health and self-respect. Now I'm in an institution and don't know if I'll ever get out. My parents tried to warn me years ago, but I wouldn't listen. Maybe some people would listen if you warned them.

Jesus didn't claim to be God, did He? Wasn't that a later invention?

I know Christians believe Jesus was divine (in fact, we heard a lot about this at Christmas, with the carols and everything). But why do they believe it? After all, Jesus didn't claim to be God, did He? Wasn't that a later invention?

I see people who've done a lot worse things than I have, and yet they never have any problems. How do you explain this, if God is supposed to be just?

I've had a lot of problems in life, and I know I haven't been perfect. But I see people all around me who've done a lot worse things than I have, and yet they never have any problems. How do you explain this, if God is supposed to be just?

My fiance isn't religious. But he's very kind and thoughtful, and he isn't opposed to my church activities or anything like that.

I get very upset at some of the people in my church, because they keep telling me I'm going down the wrong path because my fiance isn't religious. But he's very kind and thoughtful, and he isn't opposed to my church activities or anything like that. They just don't understand our love.

A couple of weeks ago, two of my high school classmates were in a bad car wreck. Why did God let one die and the other escape?

A couple of weeks ago, two of my high school classmates were in a bad car wreck. One of them was killed, but the other escaped with only minor injuries. Why did God let one die and the other escape? It has really shocked our school.

I've tried and tried to find God, but I don't feel like I've been successful. Maybe God doesn't want me or something. What would you say to someone like me?

More than anything, I know I need God. I've tried and tried to find Him, but I don't feel like I've been successful. Maybe God doesn't want me or something. What would you say to someone like me?

My husband has just been sentenced to prison for several years. I still love him, and he says he still loves me. What would you advise me to do?

My husband has just been sentenced to prison for several years, and this has been the hardest time of our lives. My friends say I ought to forget him and get on with my life, but I still love him, and he says he still loves me. What would you advise me to do?

Do you think it's possible for someone who has a logical kind of mind to believe in God?

Do you think it's possible for someone who has a logical kind of mind to believe in God? I was trained as an engineer, and it's hard for me to have faith or to believe in something that I can't prove.

My relatives are all supposed to get together on Christmas, and I dread it. Should I just call at the last minute and say we're sick?

I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I hate holidays. This Thanksgiving, we got together at my uncle's house with our relatives, and all we did was gossip and argue over politics. Now we're all supposed to get together on Christmas, and I dread it. Should I just call at the last minute and say we're sick?

I'd give anything to know that God has really forgiven me for all the wrong things I've done. I've prayed and prayed for Him to forgive me, but how do I know if He has?

I'd give anything to know that God has really forgiven me for all the wrong things I've done. I've prayed and prayed for Him to forgive me, but how do I know if He has? I'm still filled with guilt and remorse, no matter how much I pray.

Why don't Christians believe in reincarnation?

Why don't Christians believe in reincarnation? Personally, I think it's kind of exciting to think that death isn't the end, and we'll get to come back and experience another life on this earth (or perhaps on some other planet).

Our neighbors think Christmas is just a time to have family fun, with no religious meaning. How can we get them thinking about the real meaning of Christmas?

Our neighbors really get into Christmas in a big way—lots of decorating, parties, expensive gifts and so forth. But to them it's just a time to have family fun, with no religious meaning. How can we get them thinking about the real meaning of Christmas?