
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My friend says she can't believe in a God who would send people to hell, because a loving God wouldn't do that. What can I say to her?

A friend of mine admits she isn't a Christian, but she likes to talk about religion a lot, and I really think she's searching for God. Her problem, she says, is that she can't believe in a God who would send people to hell, because a loving God wouldn't do that. What can I say to her?

We spent far more than we could afford this Christmas, and I don't see how we'll ever get out of debt.

Our monthly credit card bills will be coming in a few days, and I'm really dreading it. I know we spent far more than we could afford this Christmas, and I don't see how we'll ever get out of debt. I know this isn't a spiritual issue, but maybe you have some advice.

How many times does God expect us to forgive someone who hurts us?

How many times does God expect us to forgive someone who hurts us? I have a friend who is constantly saying unkind things to me, and although she always apologizes later and asks me to forgive her, it isn't long before she's doing the same thing again.

My friends can't believe I'm still a virgin. How can I explain to them that I'm a Christian and want to save myself for marriage?

My old friends from high school can't believe I made it through my first semester in college with my virginity intact. They think it's weird, and one of them even hinted that there must be something wrong with me. How can I explain to them that I'm a Christian and want to save myself for marriage?

I indicated on my driver's license that I want to be an organ donor. But I don't want to do it if it might be wrong.

When I went to renew my driver's license this time they asked if I wanted to be listed as an organ donor in the event of my death. Is there anything in the Bible that might prevent this? I said yes, but I don't want to do something that might be wrong.

Why is it wrong to pray to angels? After all, angels are heavenly beings, and they might be able to influence God on our behalf.

I've always been fascinated by angels, and I believe in them very strongly. A friend of mine says she also believes in angels but she thinks it's wrong to pray to them. Why is it? After all, angels are heavenly beings, and they might be able to influence God on our behalf.

When we were dating, my husband said he'd stop drinking if I married him, and he did for a while. But now he's drinking more than ever.

When we were dating, my husband said he'd stop drinking if I married him, and he did for a while. But now he's drinking more than ever, and he just laughs at me when I remind him of his promise and try to get him to stop. I still love him, but is there anything I can do?

I'm always getting into trouble because of my temper. I've even lost two jobs because of it. Is there anything I can do?

I'm always getting into trouble because of my temper. I'll get mad at someone, and the next thing I know I'm yelling, and that's the end of our relationship. I've even lost two jobs because of it. Is there anything I can do?

My parents found me on an Internet porn site the other day. I was just curious. It's not like I was doing anything immoral, was it?

My parents found me on an Internet porn site the other day, and now they've started monitoring every website I visit. I admit I'm a bit bummed, because I was just curious. It's not like I was doing anything immoral, was it?

I've heard some people say that it's never too late to turn to God, but I've heard others say that this isn't true. Who is right?

I've heard some people say that it's never too late to turn to God and we can turn to Him at any time. But I've heard others say that this isn't true, because if we keep delaying we'll reach the point of no return, and it'll be too late to turn to God. Who is right?

Am I failing God or making Him angry because I can't give as much financially as others do?

I know God is supposed to bless people if they give money to Him, but I'm on a fixed income, and it's all I can do to keep my head above water financially. Am I failing God or making Him angry because I can't give as much as others do?

Why are there so many different editions of the Bible?

Why are there so many different editions of the Bible? I went into a bookstore the other day to buy a new Bible to give to my niece for her birthday, and I just got confused because there were so many choices. Finally, I gave up and didn't even buy one.