
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Does God care how we spend our free time (as long as we aren't doing anything wrong)?

Does God care how we spend our free time (as long as we aren't doing anything wrong)? I enjoy relaxing and getting away after a hard day at work, but sometimes I wonder if God doesn't approve.

Our son vowed he'd never remarry after his first wife left him, but last month he met someone he wants to marry. Should we say anything?

We're afraid our son is about to make a bad mistake. He vowed he'd never remarry after his first wife left him, but last month he met someone, and now they're going to get married. He doesn't like us to give advice, but should we say anything?

My husband and I are upset because a man who is active in our church has broken his marriage vows and is committing immorality.

My husband and I are upset because a man who is active in our church has broken his marriage vows and is committing immorality. Everyone in our town knows what's going on, and yet our church leadership has turned a blind eye to it. Don't you think this makes outsiders think that Christians don't really believe what they preach?

I didn't grow up in a churchgoing family, but now that I'm married and have children I think I need to get into a church.

Which church would you recommend I join? I didn't grow up in a churchgoing family, but now that I'm married and have children I think I need to get into a church. My problem is, I don't know very much about them, so I'd appreciate your recommendation.

Our mother died about a year ago. My brother and I don't want our father to remarry. How can we get him to respect our feelings?

Our mother died about a year ago, and frankly my brother and I never thought our father would remarry. But last week, he suddenly announced he was getting very serious about a widow he met at church. To be honest, we're having a hard time with this. It's almost as if he's forgotten our mother. How can we get him to respect our feelings?

A friend recently made a public profession of faith, but now doesn't want anything to do with God. How do you explain this?

A friend of mine got very interested in church a few months ago, and he even made a public profession of faith one night when the invitation was given to receive Christ. But now he says he wasn't serious and doesn't want anything to do with God or religion. How do you explain this?

I lost my spouse to cancer three years ago, and I'm still grieving. Do you think we ever really get over the death of a loved one?

Do you think that we ever really get over the death of a loved one? I lost my wife of 49 years to cancer over three years ago, and I miss her just as much today as I did then. Will I ever get over this? I know she's in heaven, but sometimes I can hardly stand it I miss her so much.

I'm scheduled to retire in a couple of years, and all of a sudden I've realized I haven't saved enough money.

I'm scheduled to retire in a couple of years, and all of a sudden I've realized I haven't saved enough money. I guess we were foolish and spent most everything we earned, and I didn't really plan ahead. I don't have a question, but maybe you could say something in your column about the virtues of saving money while you can.

I don't understand why the death of Jesus almost 2,000 years ago makes any difference to me right now.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why the death of Jesus almost 2,000 years ago makes any difference to me right now. I know you'll probably say Jesus died for my sins, but to be honest I can't buy that.

Which is more important in religion, learning how to live in this life or preparing for the next life?

Which is more important in religion, learning how to live in this life or preparing for the next life? I have a friend who is certainly a devout person, but all she seems to think about is Heaven. Frankly, I'm more interested in how faith can help me deal with my problems right now.

Are you still involved in preaching? I hope you are. I went to one of your crusades many years ago, and it really changed my life.

Are you still involved in preaching? I hope you are. I went to one of your crusades many years ago, and it really changed my life.

Would it be wrong to tell the nursing home not to take "extraordinary measures" to keep my elderly mother alive in a major medical crisis?

Recently, my mother went into a nursing home because of failing health. When they admitted her we were asked if they should take "extraordinary measures" to keep her alive if she had a major medical crisis. Would it be wrong to tell them not to do this, if there wasn't any hope of recovery?