
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How seriously should we take the Old Testament?

How seriously should we take the Old Testament? I started in reading the Bible from the beginning shortly after I gave my life to Jesus, but I admit I got bogged down after a while and haven't looked at it since.

I'm at college in a situation with some difficult roommates. I'd change schools, but how can I be sure the next situation won't be just as bad?

I couldn't wait to leave home and go away to college, because I never got along with my parents very well. But now I'm in a situation with some difficult roommates that isn't much better, and I don't know what to do. I'd change schools, but how can I be sure the next situation won't be just as bad?

My brother never believed in Christ. Now he's dying of cancer and says maybe he was wrong. How do I know if he's sincere?

I accepted Jesus into my life over 70 years ago, but my brother never wanted anything to do with God. He always made fun of me, and said I was missing out on life because I was a Christian. But now he's dying of cancer and says maybe he was wrong. How do I know if he's sincere?

A man I work with believes his church is the only right one and all others are wrong. How would you argue with him?

A man I work with is a good person in many ways but he's also very prejudiced—not against people of other races, but against other denominations. He sincerely believes his church is the only right one and all others are wrong. How would you argue with him?

My friend won't listen to me when I tell him Jesus could change his life. How can I get through to him?

I'm very concerned about a friend of mine whose life is really headed downhill. But he won't listen to me when I tell him Jesus could change his life, and he just laughs at me. How can I get through to him?

I've heard preachers say that Jesus is going to come again, but to be honest, I wish He wouldn't come while I'm still alive.

I've heard preachers say that Jesus is going to come again, but to be honest, I wish He wouldn't come while I'm still alive. I've got lots of things I'd like to do, and I won't get to do them if Jesus interrupts my life.

I don't believe God is out there somewhere; I believe He is inside each of us.

When I want to connect with God, I stop and meditate and look within myself for the divine. I don't believe God is out there somewhere; I believe He is inside each of us, and we just need to shut our minds to everything else and focus on our inner being to find God. Why aren't you open to this?

Recently, a mother in our town killed her 3-year-old daughter. How could anyone do something like this?

Recently, a mother in our town killed her 3-year-old daughter, and it has really shocked the whole community. Afterward, she didn't even seem to be sorry. I know she'll probably be ruled insane, but how could anyone do something like this? I've always believed that everyone is basically good, but sometimes I wonder.

I prayed I wouldn't have to go to jail—but here I am, in for two and a half years. I'm bitter, but you can see why, can't you?

What good does it do to pray about something? I prayed the judge would be lenient and I wouldn't have to go to jail—but here I am, in for two and a half years. Obviously, my prayers didn't do any good. I admit I'm bitter, but you can see why, can't you?

Shouldn't we strive to do away with things that are bad, and try to make a perfect world?

Do you think the world will ever be perfect? If God created it, then surely He meant for it to be perfect, didn't He? Shouldn't we strive to do away with things that are bad, and try to make a perfect world?

My son—who was born out of wedlock—doesn't want anything to do with me. Is God judging me for what I did wrong?

I got pregnant when I was 16, and after my boyfriend and I got married we only stayed together a few months after our son was born. That was almost 30 years ago, but my biggest heartbreak is that this son now says he doesn't want anything to do with me. I know I haven't been a perfect mother, but is God judging me for what I did wrong?

How do you know there is only one God?

How do you know there is only one God? Some religions in other parts of the world believe there are thousands and thousands of gods and goddesses, and how do you know they aren't right? I find the idea rather attractive myself.