Does the Bible say somewhere that God has promised to give us 70 years of life?
Does the Bible say somewhere that God has promised to give us 70 years of life? I don't remember where I heard this but I wonder if it's true.
Does the Bible say somewhere that God has promised to give us 70 years of life? I don't remember where I heard this but I wonder if it's true.
Do you believe dying people sometimes have a glimpse of heaven? I took care of my aunt when she was dying of cancer, and toward the end she couldn't talk, but sometimes she would raise her hands toward heaven, as if she was reaching out to the angels to take her home. Might this be true?
What can I do to keep the devil away from me? A friend of mine says I need to buy a good luck charm from a psychic he knows, because it would have magical properties that would ward off the devil. Is this true?
My doctor says I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and I'm very discouraged. I used to be very active, with a strong desire to get ahead, but now I'm tired all the time and don't have any energy—even to go to church. Please pray for me.
I don't understand what God is doing to me. I'm a bookkeeper, and I got fired last week because I refused to do something illegal that my boss wanted me to do. (Of course, he won't admit that's the reason.) What good did it do me to stand up for my Christian principles?
What happens to us when we die? How do you know? I admit I worry about death a lot, but most of my friends don't seem to even think about it. Is something wrong with me? I'm a college student, and I guess it's not cool to think about death very much.
Where did the angels come from? Do they really protect us? I was in a fairly bad car accident several months ago, and sometimes I think the angels must have been watching over me to protect me. But then I wonder why they let me be in the accident in the first place.
I moved halfway across the country because I thought I could get a good job and meet lots of new people, but it isn't working out. I know I made a wrong choice coming here, but now I'm afraid I'll just make another mistake if I go somewhere else. How can I know what's the right thing to do?
Can we really know whether or not we're going to go to heaven when we die? My cousin says we can but I don't see how that's possible. How can I know if I've been good enough to go to heaven until after I die and face God?
How concerned should we be about our health? One friend of mine thinks about his health all the time and spends a couple of hours every day in the gym, while another friend hardly pays any attention to his health. But both claim to be Christians, and they both quote the Bible to support the way they are living. Which one is right?
When Jesus comes again, will it be like the first time, when only a few people understood who He was? Or will everyone know that He is the divine Son of God? I've always been curious about this.
How many times will God forgive you before He loses patience and won't forgive you any more? I get discouraged because I can't seem to conquer some of my bad habits, and I wonder if God is going to give up on me some day.