
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I have a friend who claims Jesus was only one of many sons of God. Is she right?

I have a friend who claims Jesus wasn't the unique Son of God (as I've always believed), but that He was only one of many sons of God, and in reality we are all sons (and daughters) of God. Is she right? She's very sincere.

How many people have you saved over the many years of your ministry?

How many people have you saved over the many years of your ministry? I know you and your colleagues have done a lot of good, and I suspect you've saved more people during your lifetime than any other evangelist.

I've always assumed the resurrection was just a myth, because nothing is more final than death.

I have a friend who's very intelligent and well educated (he's a research scientist for a drug company), but a few days before Easter he told me that he really believes Jesus rose from the dead. I've always assumed the resurrection was just a myth, because nothing is more final than death. How can he believe something like this?

How do we know that our souls won't be trapped in our bodies when we die, instead of going to be with God?

How do we know that our souls won't be trapped in our bodies when we die, instead of going to be with God? I know this may sound like a strange question but it really worries me sometimes.

I'm deeply in love with a woman, and we're planning to get married. The only problem is we're both already married.

I'm deeply in love with a woman I met last year, and we're planning to get married. The only problem is we're both already married, and our spouses don't know about our relationship. They'll probably be upset, but why shouldn't we go ahead? We are convinced God brought us together.

How can you trust someone who's lied to you repeatedly, and then keeps on doing it?

How can you trust someone who's lied to you repeatedly, and then keeps on doing it? I've lost count of the times my husband has left me for someone else, and then I'll take him back because he promises it will never happen again—but it always does. Why do I keep doing this?

Why don't preachers talk more how we can use the good within us to create a better world?

Why don't preachers talk more about our human potential, and how we can use the good within us to create a better world and overcome our problems? I think we need more optimism today, not this constant talk about how bad we are or how hopeless everything is.

A friend of mine gave his life to Jesus recently, but he says he doesn't see anything wrong with continuing to smoke pot.

A friend of mine gave his life to Jesus a few months ago, and I really believe he meant it. But he's always been kind of a free spirit and says he doesn't see anything wrong with continuing to smoke pot, just like he's done for years. Is he right?

My ex-boyfriend talked me into getting an abortion. I know God won't forgive me.

My ex-boyfriend talked me into getting an abortion several years ago, and I can't get it out of my mind. I knew it was wrong, although all my friends told me to go ahead. I can't forgive myself, and I know God won't forgive me, either. I don't know why I'm writing, but maybe you'll pray for me.

I almost never hear a sermon on the return of Jesus or on the signs that will point to His coming, and I wonder why.

Why don't we hear more about Bible prophecy today? I almost never hear a sermon on the return of Jesus or on the signs that will point to His coming, and I wonder why.

Did Judas do what he did of his own free will when he betrayed Jesus?

We got talking in our Bible class the other day about whether or not we have the freedom to make our own choices in life, and the question of Judas came up. Did Judas do what he did of his own free will when he betrayed Jesus, or was he destined to do it and didn't have any choice?

How can there be any competing spiritual powers that are opposed to God?

I know you believe in the devil, but I'm not sure I can agree with that. After all, isn't God the only supreme spiritual power in the universe? How can there be any competing spiritual powers that are opposed to God—like the devil, for instance?