
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My boyfriend admits he's lived kind of a wild life, but he claims he wants to settle down and marry me. Can I trust him?

My boyfriend admits he's lived kind of a wild life, but he claims it's all over now and he wants to settle down and marry me. I think I love him, but I can't help but wonder if he really means it. Can I trust him? My parents aren't so sure, and they say I ought to go slow.

It really bothers me when people curse or use God's name in vain. Should this bother me?

I was always pretty free with my speech before I became a Christian, but now it really bothers me when people curse or use God's name in vain. Should this bother me? My wife says I shouldn't let it worry me so much, because people usually don't mean anything by it.

I know you don't believe in the occult, but how do you explain some of the strange things that happen?

I know you don't believe in the occult, but how do you explain some of the strange things that happen? For example, sometimes you hear about someone who predicts something is going to happen, and then it actually takes place. Is this because that person has supernatural powers?

Will I have to give up all my old friends if I become a Christian?

Will I have to give up all my old friends if I become a Christian? I know I'll have to change my way of living, and that doesn't bother me much because I know I need to change, but I'd hate to turn my back on all my friends.

My husband doesn't think there's anything wrong with stealing small things from his employer.

My husband doesn't think there's anything wrong with stealing small things from his employer—pens, fax paper, things like that. In fact he doesn't even agree that it's stealing, because he says they owe it to him for all the hard work he does. Am I just being picky when I get after him for doing this?

Why do they call the day that Jesus was crucified "Good Friday"?

I'm not a particularly religious person, but this year I decided to go to some church services around Easter, and I enjoyed them very much. But why do they call the day that Jesus was crucified "Good Friday"? It seems to me like it ought to be called "Bad Friday"! Maybe you can enlighten me.

Our 6-year-old boy died of leukemia last year, and I can't believe in a God who would do that to us.

I used to believe in God but I don't anymore. Our 6-year-old boy died of leukemia last year, and I can't believe in a God who would do that to us. I'm willing to listen to what you'll say, but I admit I'm bitter and can't see any reason to change my mind.

We moved to a different part of the country last year, and we've about given up trying to find a church we like.

We moved to a different part of the country last year, and we've about given up trying to find a church we like. The ones out here are so different from what we're used to—their music, their programs, everything—that we've just stopped going. Are we wrong to feel this way?

My grandmother gave me a Bible but I haven't opened it. How can I tell her without offending her?

My grandmother gave me a Bible when I left for college but I admit I haven't opened it because I'm too busy. How can I tell my grandmother this without offending her? I don't want to tell her a lie.

Is it wrong to pray for Jesus to come back and rescue us from all our problems?

Is it wrong to pray for Jesus to come back and rescue us from all our problems? The world seems to be getting worse and worse, and I hate to think about our grandchildren having to grow up in such a terrible world.

My boyfriend and I have been living together but he still refuses to get married. What do you think his problem is?

My boyfriend and I have been living together for three years now but he still refuses to get married, in spite of my pleas. He'll promise that we'll get married in a few months, but then those months pass and he backs out. What do you think his problem is?

What is grace, in your view?

What is grace, in your view? I hear a lot about the grace of God, and amazing grace, and things like that, but I'm not sure I know exactly what it means.