Did you ever think about starting your own church or denomination?
Did you ever think about starting your own church or denomination? I think you could have been a great success with something like that.
Did you ever think about starting your own church or denomination? I think you could have been a great success with something like that.
My mother and I have had kind of a rocky relationship over the years, but now that I'm a mother myself I'm beginning to see things differently. I know I ought to apologize to her and try to start over but somehow I can't. I guess I'm afraid she'll reject my apology or just laugh it off.
Can God help me overcome my fears? I know I shouldn't be this way, but I'm always worrying about what might happen to me or my children, and things like that. Sometimes it's all I can think about. I even have nightmares about bad things that might happen to us.
I almost got killed in an accident at work several months ago, and I've been wondering what it all means. What do you think? I'm not a religious person, but I know I was really lucky, and someone must have been looking out after me or I'd be dead.
Do you think they'll ever find Noah's Ark? I've been fascinated by some of the documentaries I've seen about the search for the Ark, and if they found it I think it sure would make people take the Bible more seriously.
I was getting ready to go on a short-term mission trip last year with some people from our church, but a week before they left I had a heart attack and so, of course, could not go. My question is this: Do you think God closed the door on that trip for me, or did Satan stop me from going?
Every week, our pastor prays for the president and for other leaders, as well as for peace and a better world. But I honestly wonder what good it does. The world seems just as bad off as it ever was, and I'm not sure if it really makes any difference. Why bother?
How often should we confess our sins to God? I know Christ has forgiven me for my past sins, but I also need forgiveness for the things I do wrong right now, don't I?
I've always been worried about what happens to us when we die. Do we go to heaven or to some other place for a time so our sins can be punished? I'm concerned about this, because I know I'm not good enough to go to heaven.
A friend of mine talks a lot about being a born-again Christian. I'm not sure exactly what she means. What is your definition of a born-again Christian?
Why are there so many different translations of the Bible today? I went into a bookstore to buy a new Bible (because my old one was falling apart), and finally I just gave up because I didn't know which one to get.
I don't talk about it much, but I'm secretly very afraid of dying. I'm afraid that God will punish me after I die for all the sins I've committed. How can I get over this fear?