
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'm very concerned about things like global warming and pollution.

Do you think we might be on the road to destroying the world? I'm very concerned about things like global warming and pollution, and I'm even thinking about a career in environmental science (I'm in high school right now).

What is your definition of a cult?

My cousin has gotten involved with a religious group that seems to claim that they, and they alone, have the truth about God. I think it must be a cult, but how can I tell? What is your definition of a cult?

How can I help my friend who's gotten involved in some very destructive habits?

I'm worried about a friend of mine who's gotten involved in some very destructive habits. When I try to talk with him about it, however, he just says that if God wanted him to change, then He'd make him change—but until that happens he's going to keep on doing what he's doing. Is there any way I can help him?

I live in constant fear because my husband is in the military overseas and I'm afraid he'll never make it back.

I live in constant fear because my husband is in the military overseas and I'm afraid he'll never make it back. I pray and pray for him, but how do I know something bad won't happen to him anyway?

Our teenage daughter just told us she's pregnant. I've never been in favor of abortion, but I'm beginning to wonder. What would you advise?

Our daughter just told us she's pregnant, and it's really thrown us into a spin. She's barely 16, and to make matters worse the boy won't have anything to do with her. I've never been in favor of abortion, but I'm beginning to wonder if it might not be best. What would you advise?

I find myself repeatedly confessing things I did years ago. I guess I want to be sure God has forgiven me, but how can I know?

How often should we confess our sins to God? I find myself repeatedly confessing things I did years ago, but I'm not even sure why I do it. I guess I want to be sure God has forgiven me, but how can I know?

Do you think the world is getting better or is it getting worse?

Do you think the world is getting better or is it getting worse? My sister and I have this discussion from time to time, because she thinks the world is getting better and better, but I don't. We didn't lock our doors when I was a child, and now you won't even think of doing that.

One denomination says one thing and another says something else, and I find it all very confusing. Why do they disagree so much?

Why can't Christians and churches seem to get along with each other? One denomination says one thing and another says something else, and I find it all very confusing. Why do they disagree so much?

My friend says Christians are just covering up the real story about Jesus. What can I say to him?

I have a friend who recently read a novel that recounts a lot of stories about Jesus that aren't in the Bible. The problem is, my friend wants to believe this novel instead of the Bible, and he says Christians are just covering up the real story about Jesus. What can I say to him?

Is it true that God will forgive someone if they repent just before they die? I hope so, because that's what I plan to do.

A friend of mine says that God will forgive someone if they repent just before they die, and that they'll still go to heaven. Is that true? I hope so, because that's what I plan to do.

Why did people decide centuries ago to believe that Jesus also was God?

I think Jesus was one of the greatest men who ever lived—in fact, probably the greatest. But why did people decide centuries ago to believe that Jesus also was God? I can agree that He was a great man, but not God.

I've heard people talk about the Holy Spirit, but I'm not sure I know what it is.

I've heard people talk about the Holy Spirit, but I'm not sure I know what it is. Can you explain it to me?