
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've been diagnosed with AIDS. Will God still listen to me, or is it too late?

I've been diagnosed with AIDS, and I know it's going to kill me some day. Most of my friends don't want anything to do with God, and I've always been like that too, but down inside I know I need Him. Will God still listen to me, or is it too late?

Have you ever met anyone who wanted to become a Christian but kept putting it off?

Have you ever met anyone who really wanted to become a Christian but just kept putting it off? That's the way I am but I don't understand why. Why can't I seem to do what I know I need to do, and go ahead and give my life to Jesus? Maybe you can give me a little push.

Why do you believe in heaven?

Why do you believe in heaven? I'd like to believe that this life isn't all there is, but I don't see any real evidence for it, and I've concluded it's just wishful thinking to believe there is life after death. But I'm willing to hear what you'll say.

Where in the Bible can I find a list of the sins that God won't forgive?

Where in the Bible can I find a list of the sins that God won't forgive? I remember my late uncle talking about unforgivable sins but I've never really known what they are. I sure don't want to commit one of them.

Why was Jesus put to death? From what I can tell, He was very popular with most people in His day.

Why was Jesus put to death? From what I can tell, He was very popular with most people in His day, yet some people apparently hated Him and wanted to do away with Him. Why was that? It doesn't make any sense to me.

What right does anyone have to say that they are going to heaven, but that someone else isn't?

What right does anyone have to say that they are going to heaven, but that someone else isn't? I don't like that kind of judgmental attitude, frankly, and I can't imagine that God likes it either.

Who is to say that the Bible is any better than any other sacred book?

I grew up believing the Bible was the Word of God, but over the years I've kind of drifted away from religion and I'm not sure if I still believe in the Bible. After all, most religions have their sacred books, and who is to say that the Bible is any better than any other sacred book?

Is having lots of money a sign of God's blessing?

Is having lots of money a sign of God's blessing? I got to wondering about this because I read an article about some of the world's billionaires recently, and it didn't sound like most of them have much use for God. For that matter, most of them didn't seem very happy.

My brother and his wife go to church fairly regularly but it doesn't seem to affect the way they live much.

My brother and his wife go to church fairly regularly but it doesn't seem to affect the way they live very much. Shouldn't a person's faith make a difference in things like their habits and the way they treat others? Should I say something to him, do you think?

Can God forgive serial killers?

Some of us were talking about serial killers, and the question came up about whether or not God could forgive them. Most of us felt it wouldn't be right for them to go to heaven like everyone else, but what would you say?

I have a friend who believes that when you die that's the end. How can I convince him he's wrong?

I have a friend who says he doesn't believe in heaven or hell, and that when you die that's the end. How can I convince him he's wrong, and that he needs to begin thinking about his eternal destiny? He just laughs when I try to tell him he needs Jesus.

How bad will the world have to get before God will step in and judge it?

How bad will the world have to get before God will step in and judge it? I get so discouraged sometimes when I read the headlines, and I wish God would just bring an end to it all.