
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Is it silly to grieve over the loss of a pet? Does God care about things like this?

We had to put our dog to sleep after almost 14 years, and it's really been hard on us. When I told a friend about this, however, she just laughed and said it was silly to grieve over an animal, because God didn't care about things like dogs. Is she right? I admit her words hurt me.

I'm in jail because some friends talked me into doing drugs. How can I keep from going along with the crowd?

How can I keep from doing what I know is wrong, but I do it anyway because others are doing it? Now I'm in jail because some friends talked me into doing drugs, and it seems like I'm always getting into trouble because I go along with the crowd and do things I shouldn't.

If the Bible is "alive," why aren't chapters being added as the years go by?

Doesn't the Bible say somewhere that it is alive (or something like that)? If that's the case, why aren't chapters being added to the Bible as the years go by? After all, if something is alive, then it ought to be growing and becoming bigger, it seems to me.

I left my old friends when I became a Christian, but they need Jesus so badly. Should I try to reconnect?

I won't go into details, but I lived a pretty raw life before I became a Christian about a year ago. When that happened, I turned my back on all my old friends, but now I'm wondering if I did the right thing. I think about them all the time because they have such empty lives and they need Jesus so badly. Should I try to reconnect with them?

Can you suggest some prayers I could memorize, or is there more to praying than this?

I learned several prayers when I was growing up (such as the Lord's Prayer), but I don't feel like I really know how to pray. Can you suggest some other prayers I could memorize, or is there more to praying than this?

I grew up in a church that never mentioned the second coming of Jesus.

I grew up in a church that never mentioned the second coming of Jesus (at least as far as I can remember), and in fact I didn't even know there was such a thing until we moved and got into a new church. Why didn't my old church ever talk about it?

My junior high students at church aren't interested in God. Am I wasting my time?

I want to do something useful for God, but the only thing our pastor could think of was having me teach a class for our junior high group. I've started doing it, but the students aren't very interested in the Bible or God, and I wonder if I'm wasting my time. What are some other ways I can serve God?

How can I be a better father to my children so they'll be prepared for whatever life has in store?

My wife and I have two children now (ages 2 and 4), and I worry about their future. How can I be a better father to them so they'll be prepared for whatever life has in store? I'm afraid my own father wasn't a very good example for me, since he abandoned us when I was about 5.

Some people get very upset with me because I'm an atheist.

When people ask me what religion I am, I always tell them I'm an atheist, because that's what I am. But some of them get very upset at me because they can't believe I mean it. I know you don't believe the same things I do, but I should have the right to hold them without anybody looking down on me, shouldn't I?

Is it possible to forgive someone, when you can't really forget all the hurt they've caused you?

Is it possible to forgive someone, when you can't really forget all the hurt they've caused you? My husband had an affair with someone two years ago, and while I know it's over and our marriage is back on track, I honestly can't say I've forgiven him, or that I ever can.

I really want to believe in God and in Jesus, but I just can't conquer my doubts.

I really want to believe in God and in Jesus, but I just can't conquer my doubts. Whenever I think I've put them behind me, then I start wondering if I'm just kidding myself and maybe God doesn't even exist. How can I get out of this rut? Or are some people just naturally doubters?

I get very upset at the way some people in our church talk about our pastor. What can I do?

I know our pastor isn't perfect, but I get very upset the way some people in our church talk about him and tear him down (usually behind his back). I know he must get discouraged, but what can I do, if anything?