
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Should we pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways?

I teach a junior high class in our church, and the other day my students asked me a question I couldn't answer. They said that since Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, doesn't this mean we ought to pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways? I'd be curious what you would have said.

How can God really forgive us completely and act as if we had never sinned?

How can God really forgive us completely and act as if we had never sinned? I know you'll probably say that's what He does, but wouldn't this mean He doesn't take sin very seriously and just acts as if it isn't important?

Our neighbor's husband died a few months ago, and I feel so awkward because I don't know what to say.

Our neighbor's husband died a few months ago, and I feel so awkward every time I see her because I don't know what to say. At first, we took meals over to her and so forth, but I'm afraid we've kind of neglected her recently. Do you have any advice for us?

I don't want to be left out of heaven. How can I know if I've been good enough?

I don't want to be left out when the time comes for me to go to heaven, but I'm afraid I will be. I've always tried to be a good person, but how can I know if I've been good enough? What else do I need to do?

Will God continue to answer my prayers for my family, even after I die?

Will the prayers I offer right now continue to work once I'm gone? I worry a great deal about my family and what will happen to them once I'm no longer around to pray for them. Will God continue to answer my prayers for them, even if I'm no longer here?

I am 6 years old and I want to write a letter to God. Where can I write Him so He will get it? Will He write me back?

I am 6 years old and I want to write a letter to God. Where can I write Him so He will get it? I want to ask Him a question. Will He write me back? Thank you.

My ex-husband makes a lot of empty promises to our kids. Should I tell them he's lying?

One reason my marriage fell apart was because my ex-husband could never be trusted to tell the truth. Now he constantly makes big promises to our children when they visit him. I know he'll never keep them, but I don't know how to handle it. Should I tell them he's lying, or just let them find out for themselves?

I have a friend on my high school soccer team whose father was abusive. She has a hard time relating to God as a loving father.

I have a friend on my high school soccer team, and she admits she needs God, but how can I help her? She comes from a difficult family situation, and this makes it confusing. When I tell her God is a loving father, for instance, she has a hard time relating to that because her father was abusive and abandoned them when she was little.

I graduated from high school a few weeks ago, and I still don't know what I want to do next.

I graduated from high school a few weeks ago, and I still don't know what I want to do next. My parents are pushing me to go to college, but I'm afraid I'll just waste their money. What should I do?

Does God ever change His mind about anything?

Does God ever change His mind about anything? I have a friend who says He does, but I don't see how that can be since He's perfect. What would you say?

Our son (who is 7) likes dinosaurs a lot, and he wonders why God didn't let them keep on living.

Our son (who is 7) likes dinosaurs a lot, but the other day he asked me if they just happened or if God made them. He also wondered why God didn't let them keep on living. I'm afraid I didn't have any answers for him, but I promised I'd write and ask you.

A family member of mine claims the Bible says you can't go to heaven if you're cremated.

Does the Bible forbid cremation? This has been a controversial topic in our family recently, because an aunt of mine died not long ago and directed that her body be cremated. One of our cousins, however, claims the Bible says you can't go to heaven if you're cremated. Is he right?