
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Is it possible to stop sinning completely?

Is it possible to stop sinning completely? I've heard some people say this, but I can't help but wonder if it's really true.

A Christian friend of mine doesn't use words like "luck" or "lucky."

Recently, a Christian friend of mine said he didn't like to use words like "luck" or "lucky," but I didn't find out why. What do you think he meant? If something good happens to me, I don't see what's wrong with saying I've been lucky, do you?

What do you think Jesus was like when He was a boy?

What do you think Jesus was like when He was a boy? Was He like other boys, running and playing and so forth? And do you think He knew He was God's Son then, or did it only come to Him later? I've always been curious about this.

Does God know when every person is going to die, or is it all left up to chance?

Does God know when every person is going to die, or is it all left up to chance? If He does know, does that mean it can't be changed, even with the best medical help? I've always been curious about this.

Some people come to our door and claimed their Bible shows Jesus was not divine. What do you have to say about this?

We had some people come to the door the other day, and they showed us from their Bible how churches have misled people through the centuries by claiming that Jesus was divine. What do you have to say about this? They said they thought you were a sincere person but that you were still wrong.

People sure can be difficult to get along with, at least in my experience. Why is this the case?

Have you ever heard the expression, "Hell is just other people"? Sometimes I think it must be true, because people sure can be difficult to get along with, at least in my experience. Why is this the case?

I guess I'm just addicted to food. Will God help me somehow?

My doctor is constantly getting after me because of my weight but I can't seem to do anything about it. I know it's bad for me and all that, but I guess I'm just addicted to food. Will God help me somehow? I've prayed that He'd take away my appetite but it hasn't done any good.

I always thought that when we died our souls kept on living, while our bodies just disintegrated and came to an end.

I'm confused, because I remember reading something in your column about us having new bodies in heaven. I always thought that when we died our souls kept on living, while our bodies just disintegrated and came to an end. Which is it?

I can't help worrying. The world is a pretty scary place, and a lot can happen. Am I wrong to be concerned?

My husband says I'm a worry wart, but I can't help worrying about all the things that might go wrong. The world is a pretty scary place, and a lot can happen. Am I wrong to be concerned?

What did Jesus mean when He said the last would become first?

What did Jesus mean when He said somewhere that the people who were last would become first, or something like that? I gather that He was talking about heaven, but I'm not sure what He meant.

What exactly is wrong with pornography, in your opinion?

What exactly is wrong with pornography, in your opinion? I have a friend at work who's into pornography fairly deeply (mainly on the Internet), and when I challenged him about it he told me he didn't see anything wrong with it. I'm afraid I couldn't think of a good answer.

I left home for a job after graduating from college, and I've never felt so lonely. Should I just give up and move back?

I suppose it's an old story, but I left home and moved to a big city after graduating from college, thinking I'd find happiness and success. My job isn't bad, but I haven't made any friends here and I've never felt so lonely. Should I just give up and move back?