
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What's wrong with reading your horoscope or playing with cards that tell the future?

I don't agree with what you've said in your column from time to time, claiming that we shouldn't try to predict the future. What's wrong with reading your horoscope or playing with cards that tell the future? I think it's kind of fun, and anyway, they just might help guide us.

I get all kinds of things going through my head but I can't seem to control them.

Do you think it's possible to control our thoughts? I get all kinds of things going through my head that I know aren't good but I can't seem to control them.

Does God ever give up on us?

Does God ever give up on us? I wouldn't be surprised if He's given up on me because I can't count how many times I've told Him I'll live a better life, and then I forget all about it. He must be very disappointed in me.

Don't you think all our problems would be solved if we just could learn to love each other?

Don't you think all our problems would be solved if we just could learn to love each other? I think it would be great if people like you would urge people to have more compassion and care for others.

I'm curious to know what the number one problem is that people write to you about.

I know you must get a lot of letters from people telling you about their problems and asking for advice, and I'm curious to know what the number one problem is that they write you about.

A friend of ours invited us to her church, and the speaker spent most of his time telling why their denomination was right. Do you think he should have done that?

A friend of ours invited us to her church for a special lecture, and we were surprised because the speaker spent most of his time telling why their denomination was right and everyone else was wrong. Do you think he should have done that? It upset us, although we didn't tell our friend.

Do you think people who've died and gone to heaven can look down and see what's going on in our lives?

Do you think people who've died and gone to heaven can look down and see what's going on in our lives? My mother and I had a rocky relationship, and frankly it makes me nervous to think she's still trying to run my life.

I got hooked on methadone, and I can't believe how it took over. Now I'm in jail because I started selling it.

I wish you'd warn people about drugs more, because they can really mess you up. I got hooked on methadone the first time I ever tried it, and I can't believe how it took over my brain. Now I'm in jail because I started selling it. Please pray for me. I didn't mean to end up this way.

All my friends think I have my life together. But down inside, I know I'm just a big fake. Can God do anything for me?

All my friends think I'm happy and have my life together, and maybe it seems true when we're at the gym or a sports bar. But down inside, I know I'm just a big fake. I've never thought about God much, but maybe I need to. Can God do anything for me?

I suppose you believe hell is something that happens to us after we die, but I think it must be right now.

I suppose you believe hell is something that happens to us after we die, but I think it must be right now. Don't you think this might be a possibility? After all, a lot of bad things happen to us in this life.

I recently gave my life to Jesus. Should I be baptized, or does it matter?

My family didn't have anything to do with religion when I was growing up, and the only time I ever entered a church was when someone got married. But about six months ago I gave my life to Jesus and have started going to church. Should I be baptized, or does it matter?

Do you think our nation will ever completely overcome its racism?

Do you think our nation will ever completely overcome its racism? I'm a member of a racial minority, and I don't think a week goes by without something happening that tells me I'm still a second-class citizen.