
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why did God create the human race? He must have known we were going to turn our backs on Him.

Why did God create the human race? He must have known we were going to turn our backs on Him and get into all kinds of trouble, so why did He bother making us in the first place?

Our pastor quoted a verse the other day about secret things belonging to God. What do you suppose it means?

Our pastor quoted a verse the other day that says something about secret things belonging to God. What do you suppose that verse means? Maybe I shouldn't even be asking questions like this, but I've always been a very curious person.

My husband died of a heart attack a year ago and I haven't felt close to God since then. Will I always be like this?

My husband died of a heart attack a year ago and I haven't felt close to God since then. God was very important to us as a family, but now it's as if God doesn't even exist. I've tried to pray and read my Bible, but nothing changes. Will I always be like this?

There is so much evil in the world. Why doesn't God do something about it if He is really all-powerful?

Is God limited in any way—in other words, are there some things God can't do? I wonder about this because there seems to be so much evil in the world, and I don't understand why God doesn't do something about it if He is really all-powerful.

The romance has faded from my marriage. Is it possible to love someone, but still not be in love with them?

Is it possible to love someone, but still not be in love with them? My husband and I had a very romantic relationship when we first got married, but now all the romance has gone out of it, and I'm wondering if our marriage is over. I think I still love him, but I can't say I'm actually in love with him, if you see the difference.

I'm 93, and if I haven't already been good enough to go to heaven, I guess it's too late for me.

I'm 93 and I know I don't have much longer to live. I've always tried to be a good person, but now I'm beginning to wonder if I've been good enough. I very much want to go to heaven, but if I haven't already been good enough, I guess it's too late for me to do anything about it. Is this right?

My aunt grew up prejudiced. Is it too late for her to change?

My aunt is a very fine person in many ways and active in her church but she's also one of the most prejudiced persons I've ever met toward people of other races. I know she grew up this way, but is it too late for her to change? I'd be interested in your answer.

My cousin and I are both Christians, but we always argue over religion. How can I avoid it?

Every time my cousin and I get together, we end up arguing over religion. We belong to different denominations, and he's always trying to convert me to his way of thinking about what I consider minor things. We're both Christians, and I'm sure God doesn't want us to argue but how can I avoid it?

Someone told me that I won't see my late husband again in heaven. Is this true?

The only thing that's kept me going since my husband died is the thought that someday we'll be reunited in heaven. But the other day, some people told me that the Bible says we won't be married in heaven, and therefore I'll never see him again. Is this true? I hope not, because it's really sent me into a tailspin.

Some people think you can't be a Christian and also be in politics. Do you think that's true?

I'm in law school, and someday I'd like to enter politics if I have the opportunity. But recently I heard someone say that they didn't think you could be a Christian and also be in politics. Do you think that's true?

I was looking forward to retirement, but now that it's here I'm not satisfied. Why?

I suppose I spent most of my working years griping about my job and looking forward to retirement, but now that it's here I feel at loose ends and don't know what to do with myself. Some of my former co-workers say the same thing. Why am I not satisfied?

My father has been rude and verbally abusive all his life. I believe in honoring our parents, but I've had enough.

My father has been rude and verbally abusive all his life, always keeping everyone under his thumb. Now he's in a nursing home and in poor health but he hasn't changed. Are my brothers and I supposed to just keep taking his abuse, or has the time come to walk away? As a Christian, I believe in honoring our parents, but I've had enough.