
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Have you ever thought about using the Internet to spread your message?

I recently got my first computer, and I'm fascinated by all the information on the Internet (some good, some bad). Have you ever thought about using the Internet to spread your message? You might be able to reach a lot of people that way.

I'm in jail for stealing money, and my wife is filing for divorce. Is there anything I can do?

I want to save my marriage but it doesn't look very promising. The problem is, I'm in jail for stealing money from my employer, and my wife says she's so humiliated over what I did that she doesn't want to ever see me again and she's filing for divorce. Is there anything I can do?

Are the streets in heaven really paved with gold? I've heard that all my life but I'm not sure if it's found in the Bible.

Are the streets in heaven really paved with gold? I've heard that all my life but I'm not sure if it's found in the Bible.

Our neighbors are nice people but their children are totally out of control. Should we say something to their parents?

Our neighbors are nice people but their children are totally out of control. They have no respect for our privacy or property (or anyone else's). Should we say something to their parents? We don't want to offend them.

I believe in Jesus, but I don't get anything out of church and can't see much point in going, to be honest.

Will God turn me away from heaven if I stop going to church? I believe in Jesus, but I don't get anything out of church and can't see much point in going, to be honest.

Do you think the world's religions will ever get together and stop fighting each other?

Do you think the world's religions will ever get together and stop fighting each other? I don't see why they can't learn to get along with each other instead of being at war all the time. After all, don't all religions stand for peace and brotherhood?

My husband has been unfaithful. How can I ever trust him?

My husband and I have been married almost 30 years, and he's been unfaithful on and off during most of that time. Now he says he wants to be a good husband, and we've even had some counseling about this, but how can I ever trust him? I don't think I could stand it if it happened again.

On TV the other day, they were talking about a man who claims to be God's one true prophet. Could this be true?

On TV the other day, they were talking about a man who claims to be God's one true prophet, and says God speaks through him. Because of that, his followers always obey him and won't listen to anyone else. Could he actually be a modern day prophet who speaks for God?

Our daughter's teacher ridicules people who say they believe God created us. How can we help?

Our daughter came home from school the other day very upset because one of her teachers had ridiculed people who say they believe God created us. With someone like this teaching her, I'm afraid she might lose her faith. How can we help her?

Why did God create the human race? He must have known we were going to turn our backs on Him.

Why did God create the human race? He must have known we were going to turn our backs on Him and get into all kinds of trouble, so why did He bother making us in the first place?

Our pastor quoted a verse the other day about secret things belonging to God. What do you suppose it means?

Our pastor quoted a verse the other day that says something about secret things belonging to God. What do you suppose that verse means? Maybe I shouldn't even be asking questions like this, but I've always been a very curious person.

My husband died of a heart attack a year ago and I haven't felt close to God since then. Will I always be like this?

My husband died of a heart attack a year ago and I haven't felt close to God since then. God was very important to us as a family, but now it's as if God doesn't even exist. I've tried to pray and read my Bible, but nothing changes. Will I always be like this?