
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Now that fall is here, I'm already dreading Christmas, although it's still months away.

Now that fall is here, I'm already dreading Christmas, although it's still months away. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but it's always such a stressful time. Do you have any suggestions for avoiding this?

I've prayed and prayed for God to forgive me [of past sins], but I feel just as guilty as ever.

For many years I managed to forget a lot of the bad stuff I did when I was young, but now I know I don't have much longer to live and it haunts me. I've prayed and prayed for God to forgive me, but I feel just as guilty as ever.

A friend of mine became a Christian a few months ago, and he's about to drive me crazy because he's always trying to convince me he's right.

A friend of mine became a Christian a few months ago, and he's about to drive me crazy because he's always trying to convince me he's right and getting me to become one also. I tell him he needs to back off and respect my privacy but so far it doesn't do any good. Maybe a word from you would make him more sensitive. He's giving religion a bad name.

Why are some people so mean-spirited? Do people like this ever change?

Why are some people so mean-spirited? My brother was always mean when we were growing up, and now that he's older he hasn't changed. He's on his fourth marriage now, and his new wife is finding out what the rest of us already knew about him. Do people like this ever change?

If someone is very old and frail when they die, are they going to look like that in heaven?

If someone is very old and frail when they die, are they going to look like that in heaven? Or are we just going to be spirits floating around in heaven?

I want to pray for my friend who has cancer, but I am not religious. Will God hear my prayers anyway?

A good friend of mine (who is a Christian) has been diagnosed with a very serious type of cancer. I want to help her, but the only way I can think of doing this is to pray for her. The problem is, neither my husband or I are religious. Will God hear my prayers anyway?

I've just been in shock about the damage done by Hurricane Katrina. Why did God let it happen—or does He even care?

I've just been in shock watching all the pictures on television of the damage done by Hurricane Katrina. Where was God in all of this? Why did He let it happen—or does He even care?

What is your prescription for a strong faith? Or is it something that some people have and others don't?

I wish I had a stronger faith in Jesus but I don't. What is your prescription for a strong faith? Or is it something that some people have and others don't?

How bad will the world have to get before God says "Enough" and Christ comes again and brings it all to an end?

How bad will the world have to get before God says "Enough" and Christ comes again and brings it all to an end? There seems to be so much evil in the world today that I sometimes wonder if we've about reached that point today.

Do you have any solution for mother-in-law problems?

Do you have any solution for mother-in-law problems? She constantly interferes when we have decisions to make, and in general I just wish she'd go away. I know that's not very kind, but she's a real problem.

What, in your opinion, is the most important characteristic of a Christian?

What, in your opinion, is the most important characteristic of a Christian? My friend and I are having a friendly disagreement about this, because he says it should be a pure life, while I say the most important thing is peace. What would you say?

Our grandchildren are getting into their teens and we're wondering what we can give them for Christmas.

I know Christmas is several months away, but our grandchildren are getting into their teens and we're wondering what we can give them that will help them spiritually. We usually give small gifts of money, but we'd like to give them something more meaningful. Do you have any suggestions?