
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Now that I'm older I'm beginning to think about God a lot. Is this common when a person grows up in a religious home but then rejects it?

My relatives all call me the black sheep of the family, and I guess they're right since they are Christians and I rejected religion years ago. But now that I'm older I'm beginning to think about God a lot, although I'd never admit it to them. Is this common when a person grows up in a religious home but then rejects it?

I think a lot of the world's problems would be solved if all the people who belong to the various religions would quit fighting.

I think a lot of the world's problems would be solved if all the people who belong to the various religions would quit fighting and get together and decide to let each other live in peace. Don't you think this might work?

I have cancer because of some bad habits I've had for years. Will God ever forgive me for shortening my life this way?

The doctor has just told me I have cancer, and says they probably can't do anything about it. He was pretty blunt and told me the reason I got it is because of some bad habits I've had for years, and I know he's probably right. Will God ever forgive me for shortening my life this way?

The other day I was downloading a song and suddenly realized that it talks a lot about the devil. Will this hurt me spiritually?

I used to listen to a lot of music when I was younger without paying much attention to the words, but the other day I was downloading a song and suddenly realized that it talks a lot about the devil. Will this hurt me spiritually, do you think? I've only been a Christian about a year.

Why do you believe death isn't the end?

I know you believe in life after death, and I'd like to believe in it also, but I can't. I've had several friends die recently, and it seems to me that once you're dead, that's the end. Why do you believe death isn't the end?

A friend told me once that the Bible says we won't sin once we become a Christian. Is that true?

A friend told me once that the Bible says we won't sin once we become a Christian, and if we do sin it proves we weren't really saved. Is that true? I hope not, because I know I'm not perfect, but I have asked Jesus into my life and I want to go to heaven when I die.

My parents are opposed to my engagement because my fiancé isn't a member of a church, but I wish they'd see his kindness.

My parents are opposed to my engagement because my fiancé isn't a member of a church, but I wish they'd look beyond that and see his real qualities—things like his kindness and thoughtfulness, and other things I've always wanted in a husband. Aren't these the really important things?

Many of the people who go to church don't seem to be any different from those who don't. How do you explain this?

We recently moved to a part of the country that has a lot of churches. The thing that's hard for us to understand is that many of the people who go to church don't seem to be any different from those who don't. How do you explain this?

Does God expect the mentally handicapped to understand all about Jesus and the Bible before they can go to heaven?

I've started teaching in a special school for mentally handicapped children, many of whom have a very difficult time learning. Does God expect them to understand all about Jesus and the Bible before they can go to heaven? I don't see how they ever could, and it worries me.

Is it wrong for a Christian to make a lot of money?

Is it wrong for a Christian to make a lot of money? I've always been good at business and have been very successful over the years, but sometimes this worries me because I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.

What is your definition of sin? I hear lots of people saying one thing or another is sin but they don't always agree.

What is your definition of sin? I hear lots of people saying one thing or another is sin but they don't always agree on what things are sinful, and I'd be interested in what you say.

Where did the idea come from that Jesus would return to earth some day?

Where did the idea come from that Jesus would return to earth some day? I know it's popular in some circles but I never heard it taught in the church where I grew up and wonder where it came from.