
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

It seems to us that our church is spending far too much on our new building, and not enough to help people. Are we just being critical?

We moved to a new city last year and joined a church that we like. But last week they passed their budget for the coming year, and it seems to us that they're spending far too much money to pay back the debt on our new building, and not enough to help people. Are we just being critical?

My grandmother gave me a Bible for Christmas, but I don't know what to do with it.

My grandmother gave me a Bible for Christmas, but I don't know what to do with it. I tried to read it but got bogged down after the first few pages. I like to read, but somehow I just can't seem to get into the Bible.

How can I know whether or not my sister has gotten involved with a cult?

How can I know whether or not my sister has gotten involved with a cult? I admit they've done her a lot of good, but it's a fairly small denomination and I don't know anything about them. She says they believe in Jesus, but I'm not sure what they mean by that.

What if Jesus has returned and He's already living as a small boy in Africa or Asia someplace?

Like you, I believe that Jesus is going to return to earth some day. But how do you know He hasn't already come? Maybe He's already living as a small boy in Africa or Asia someplace, or something like that.

When my husband walked out, I thought all my problems were over. But no one told me about the financial problems that single mothers have.

When my husband walked out on me, I thought all my problems were over. We'd had so many conflicts that I thought anything was better than staying married. But no one told me about the financial problems that single mothers have. I don't have a question, but maybe you can warn people that divorce isn't always the best answer.

I met an elderly woman who gave her life to Jesus many years ago, but now she's afraid she won't go to heaven. What can I tell her?

Some of us from our church try to visit local nursing homes every week. The other day, I met an elderly woman there who told me she had given her life to Jesus many years ago, but now she's afraid she won't go to heaven when she dies. What can I tell her?

Does God give us a soul when we are born, or at some later time?

Does God give us a soul when we are born, or at some later time? Some of us were discussing this at coffee break the other day, and I don't think we'd ever thought about it (although I guess it doesn't really matter).

Is the Sabbath supposed to be a day of rest, or is it supposed to be for worship and other church activities?

A friend and I were discussing the Bible the other day, and we got to talking about how to observe the Sabbath. Why did God tell us to set aside one day out of seven? Is it supposed to be a day of rest, or is it supposed to be for worship and other church activities?

I am 14, and my parents just told me I was adopted. I am devastated, because it makes me feel like I don't belong in this family.

I am 14, and my parents just told me I was adopted by them when I was a baby. I am devastated, because it makes me feel like I don't belong in this family. I can't even bear to tell my best friend about it. Please ask God to help me get through this.

Do you believe everything that happens to us has a purpose behind it, and that God sent it into our lives?

Do you believe everything that happens to us has a purpose behind it, and that God sent it into our lives? I used to think this, but I've been going through some hard times lately. People keep telling me that God sent each experience for a reason, but I'm not so sure.

Do you think God judges nations as well as individuals?

Do you think God judges nations as well as individuals? I have some friends who say He does, and that our nation needs to repent before it's too late. But don't we have a lot of good people in our country also, and won't that keep God from judging us?

My children say I ought to think about going into a nursing home before I start having problems, but I really don't want to.

I'm in reasonably good health and still able to take care of myself (I live alone), but my children say I ought to think about going into a nursing home. They say I should do it before I start having problems, but I really don't want to. How can I decide what to do?