
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My daughter-in-law and I attend the same church, but she seems to avoid me. What have I done wrong?

I wish I knew what was wrong between my daughter-in-law and me. We got along fine the first year or so, but now she almost seems to avoid me. It's especially hard because we go to the same church and see each other regularly. What have I done wrong?

I've heard that the Bible teaches evil will grow stronger toward the end, and I can't help but wonder if we're living in the last days.

Do you think we might be living in the last days, and that the end of the world is coming soon? I've heard that the Bible teaches evil will grow stronger toward the end, and I can't help but wonder if we're living in those days.

How can I get the Holy Spirit? I gave my life to Jesus two years ago, but I know I need the Spirit's power also.

How can I get the Holy Spirit? I gave my life to Jesus two years ago, but I know I need the Spirit's power also, because I have a hard time fighting temptation.

I've just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and it's really sent me into despair. Why is God punishing me?

I've just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and it's really sent me into despair. Why is God punishing me? I believe in Jesus and I've always tried to be a good Christian, but what did I do to deserve this?

Is there life on other planets?

Is earth the only planet in our solar system that has life, do you think, or is there life on other planets? I like to watch science fiction programs on TV that talk about life on other planets, but I wonder if the Bible says anything about this.

The Apostles' Creed says Jesus descended into Hell after His death. Why didn't He go to heaven instead?

We've been attending a church recently that always uses an ancient statement of belief (the Apostles' Creed) in its services. One line in it says something about Jesus descending into Hell after His death, and this confuses me. Why didn't He go to heaven after His death?

I hope you won't think I'm a heretic or something, but I honestly don't have any desire to go to heaven.

I hope you won't think I'm a heretic or something, but I honestly don't have any desire to go to heaven. I am a Christian, and I believe in heaven, but I'm happy with my life right now and don't have any desire to see it come to an end. Am I wrong to feel this way?

When something bad happens to us, how do we know if God sent it to test us and make us stronger, or if the devil sent it to discourage us or make us doubt God?

When something bad happens to us, how do we know if God sent it to test us and make us stronger, or if the devil sent it to discourage us or make us doubt God?

I'm in a large state university, and there are very few of us here who want to follow Jesus.

I've just finished my first semester of college, and I admit it's been a difficult time for me spiritually. The problem is, I'm in a large state university, and there are very few of us here who want to follow Jesus. What advice would you have for someone in my position?

My sister just moved in with her boyfriend. Our parents won't have anything to do with her. But is it right for them to treat her this way?

My sister just moved in with her boyfriend. Our parents are very upset and say she's committing a sin, and won't have anything to do with her. But is it right for them to treat her this way? I think she's wrong and wish she hadn't done it, too, but I hate to lose contact with her.

Do you have any tips on how I can control my anger?

Do you have any tips on how I can control my anger? I can put the lid on it for a while, but then something happens and I blow up. I know this isn't right, but I don't know what to do about it.

What did Jesus look like?

What did Jesus look like? I've always had a mental picture of Him, drawn I guess from the pictures I saw when I was a kid in Sunday School. But does the Bible give us any description of Him?