
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do We Really Need Church?

I know you're always telling people to go to church, but I'm very busy during the week and I need my weekends to relax. And anyway, I can feel God's presence hiking in the woods as much as in some church. My wife disagrees, but I can't see any reason to change.

Does God Punish Our Sins?

Does God punish our children for the wrong things that we've done? I've heard people say this, but it doesn't seem very fair to me.

Satanism Is Dangerous!

I'm very concerned because a cousin of mine just told me she thinks she'll become a Satanist. I don't even know what that means, but why would anyone want to get involved in such things? Is she sincere, do you think, or is she just rebelling against her upbringing?

Could You Recognize a Cult?

A friend keeps trying to get me to go to her church (at least I guess it's a church, although they don't call themselves one). I can't help but thinking it might be a cult, though, and I don't want to go down that road. How will I know?

Jesus Will Be Back for Those Who Love Him

I've heard that Jesus claimed He would return to earth someday, but why hasn't He? Maybe He wanted to do so, but it wasn't part of God's plan for Him, so it's never going to happen. Could this be the reason He's never returned?

What Made Jesus Divine?

I know Christians believe Jesus was divine, but what exactly do you mean by that? Most of the religions I've studied have their holy men and women, but what makes Jesus any different from them?

Are You Sharing Your Spiritual Gifts?

Do you have to be a preacher before you can serve God? I hope not, because I don't have any special talents or anything, and yet I don't want to be useless in God's eyes.

Does God Ever Give Up on Someone?

Does God ever give up on someone? My brother hasn't had anything to do with God since he was a teenager over 50 years ago, and he just laughs when I tell him I'm still praying for him. Is he hopeless?

God Cares About Your Integrity

I think I'm about to lose my job. Several weeks ago, my boss told me to do something that was clearly unethical (and probably illegal), and I told him that as a Christian, I couldn't do it. Was I wrong to refuse? He's been very cold to me ever since.

When Making Decisions, Listen to God First

I have an important decision to make, and my parents are pulling me one way and friends are pulling me another. Who should I listen to? I don't want to make a mistake.

God's Gift of Salvation is Free

I've heard preachers say that God gives us salvation as a free gift. But if that's true, then why doesn't God go ahead and give it to everyone? I guess I don't really understand this.

Does God Really Listen When We Pray?

I pray fairly often, and it does give me a feeling of peace, but how do I know God is really listening? Sometimes I feel confident that He is, but other times I'm not so sure.