
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

As far as I can tell, death is the end of everything, so we might as well live it up and have a good time while we can.

I know you believe in heaven, but how do you know it even exists? After all, there isn't any evidence for it. As far as I can tell, death is the end of everything, so we might as well live it up and have a good time while we can. At least that's what I intend to do.

I've been very hurt because of something my brother-in-law did to us, and there's no way I could ever forgive him.

I know we're supposed to forgive people who hurt us, but why bother? After all, it doesn't change what they've done to us, and it doesn't change them, either. I've been very hurt because of something my brother-in-law did to us, and there's no way I could ever forgive him.

My husband and I come from different church backgrounds, and we've had trouble agreeing on a church.

My husband and I come from different church backgrounds, and every time we've moved we've had trouble agreeing on a church we both liked. Now we're moving to a new city, and we're facing the same problem all over again. What advice would you have for us?

I saw one of those "infomercials" about someone who claimed to talk to people who lived long ago and can give us guidance. Do you think that's possible?

I saw one of those "infomercials" the other night on TV about someone who claimed to be able to talk to people who lived a long time ago and can give us guidance about our lives. Do you think that's possible? I admit I was tempted to call the number to see what she'd say.

I want to serve God, but we have five children and lots of debts.

I want to serve God, but we have five children and lots of debts. I don't see how I could ever be a pastor or go to seminary or anything like that. Do I just lack faith that God will provide for us? I don't think so, but sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right path.

I took a wrong turn and now I'm in prison. I feel like I've betrayed Jesus (like Judas did) and I'm afraid God will never forgive me.

I grew up in a good Christian home, but somehow I took a wrong turn and now I'm in prison. I feel like I've betrayed Jesus (like Judas did) and I'm afraid God will never forgive me for what I've done. After all, He didn't forgive Judas, did He?

When our son and his girlfriend visited us, were we wrong to insist they sleep in separate bedrooms?

Christmas was really difficult for us because our son showed up with his girlfriend and announced they didn't need two bedrooms because they were already living together. We didn't know this, and things were very tense at first because we insisted on separate bedrooms anyway. As Christians, we don't approve of what he's doing, but were we too rigid?

I have a friend who says that what we have in our Bibles today isn't the full story about Jesus. Is there any truth to that?

I have a friend who says that over the centuries the organized church suppressed what Jesus taught, and that what we have in our Bibles today isn't the full story about Jesus (or even the right story). I don't know where he gets this, but is there any truth to it?

Since my retirement last year, we now live on a limited income, and we can't keep up our financial giving to our church and other organizations. Will God understand our problem?

We've never been wealthy, but we've always tried to be generous with our money and give as much as we could to our church and other worthy organizations. But I retired last year, and now with a limited income we just can't keep it up. Will God understand our problem?

Does anyone have the right to say that someone else isn't a Christian?

Does anyone have the right to say that someone else isn't a Christian? Someone in our church said this recently about another person in our church, and I admit I got upset at them because I don't think it's up to us to make that kind of judgment, do you?

Do we become angels when we die and go to heaven?

My sister lost her small son a little over a year ago, and on the anniversary of his death she put a poem in the paper to remember him. It said something about him being an angel now. Is that what happens to us when we die and go to heaven, that we become angels?

Do you believe the devil is real, or is he just a symbol for evil?

Do you believe the devil is real, or is he just a symbol for evil? I know we live in an imperfect world and a lot of bad things go on, but I have a hard time blaming it all on some shadowy personality called the devil.