
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How bad does someone have to be before there isn't any hope for them?

I know from your column that people sometimes write you asking how good a person has to be before they can get into heaven. But what about the opposite case? How bad does someone have to be before there isn't any hope for them?

Do you think someday we won't need missionaries or evangelists, because their work will be done by things like television and the Internet?

Do you think the day will ever come when we won't need missionaries or evangelists anymore, because their work will be done by things like television and the Internet? I guess I'm kind of "tech crazy," but it looks to me like technology now makes it possible to preach the Gospel everywhere.

Which do you think was worse for Jesus, His physical suffering or His emotional and mental suffering?

I know you won't get this until after Easter, but which do you think was worse for Jesus, His physical suffering or His emotional and mental suffering? I tend to think the latter, because rejection is a terrible thing to bear, and He must have been very hurt when everyone turned against Him.

A friend of mine who isn't married is having a baby, and I don't know how to react. What is your recommendation?

I found out the other day that a friend of mine who isn't married is having a baby in a few months. My problem is, I don't know how to react to this, because as a Christian I don't agree with what she's done. I hate to cut her off, however. What is your recommendation?

I know I shouldn't fear death now that I'm a Christian, but I do. Am I always going to be like this?

I know I shouldn't fear death now that I'm a Christian, but I do. I've always been very fearful of death, maybe because several people who were close to me died when I was a child. I thought this would change once I committed my life to Jesus, but it hasn't. Am I always going to be like this?

Do you have to put your brains on the shelf and commit intellectual suicide if you become a Christian?

Do you have to put your brains on the shelf and commit intellectual suicide if you become a Christian? I'm in college, and that seems to be the way most people here feel about Christianity. I'm probably not what you'd call a real Christian, but I'm not ready to throw the whole thing overboard.

I know we're supposed to try to help others as Christians, but I'm in a wheelchair and can't get out very much. Will God understand this?

I know we're supposed to try to help others as Christians, but I'm in a wheelchair and can't get out very much, and it's all I can do just to take care of myself. Will God understand this, or does He still expect me to do things for others, like the Bible says?

My cancer is in remission, but I'm afraid it's going to return. How can I cope with this?

I just had my five-year checkup after my fight with breast cancer, and the doctor says I'm still free of cancer. I'm grateful, but down inside I have this deep fear that it's going to return. How can I cope with this? Sometimes it's almost overwhelming.

Our son was active in church during his teens, but now as an adult he doesn't have anything to do with God. Why did this happen?

Why do some people seem to have faith in God for a time, but then they turn their backs on it? Our son was active in church during his teen years and apparently gave his life to Jesus, but now as an adult he doesn't have anything to do with God. Why did this happen?

Our pastor wants me to be a church officer, but I'm very busy. Would it be wrong for me to turn him down?

Our pastor wants me to be a church officer (a deacon) because he says they need someone with business experience on the church board. I'm probably qualified, but I'm so busy with other things that I don't think I really want to do it. Would it be wrong for me to turn him down?

When we die, do we actually keep on existing, somewhat like we do now, or is the next life like the dreams we have when we're asleep?

When we die and pass on to the next life, do we actually keep on existing, somewhat like we do now, or is the next life only imaginary, kind of like the dreams we have when we're asleep?

Why do some people take delight in tearing down other people?

Why do some people take delight in tearing down other people? I've gotten to the point that I avoid one woman I work with who is this way, because I get tired of her talking about other people and how bad they are.