
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can God love someone who deliberately sins and doesn't want anything to do with Him? Isn't such a person really an enemy of God?

All my life I've heard the expression, "God hates the sin but loves the sinner." But how can it be true? How can God love someone who deliberately sins and doesn't want anything to do with Him? Isn't such a person really an enemy of God?

Does the Bible say anything about taking care of the environment? I have some passionate friends who claim the Bible is anti-environmental. Are they right?

Does the Bible say anything about taking care of the environment? I have some friends who are very passionate about this issue, but they don't really believe in God or Jesus the way I do, and they even claim the Bible is anti-environmental. Are they right?

My husband and I looked forward to moving after we retired. Now we wonder if we made a mistake. What should we do?

For years, my husband and I looked forward to moving to another part of the country after we retired, and that's what we did about a year ago. But we don't know anyone here and are separated from our children and their families. Now, we wonder if we made a mistake. What should we do?

My brother is in prison for robbery, but he claims he's become a Christian. Have you ever heard of anyone like this actually changing?

My brother claims he's become a Christian but I have a hard time believing him. I'm surprised he isn't dead, because he's been on drugs since he was about 12. Now, he's in prison for robbing a convenience store to get drug money. Have you ever heard of anyone like this actually changing?

I've struggled with depression since I was a teenager. I've prayed and prayed, but God doesn't seem to care. What have I done to deserve this?

I've struggled with depression since I was a teenager. Medicine sometimes helps for a while, but then I'll start feeling like my life isn't worth living and that I'll never get better. I've prayed and prayed, but God doesn't seem to care. What have I done to deserve this?

Is it wrong to have questions about God? I am a Christian, but sometimes things happen to me that make me doubt my faith.

Is it wrong to have questions about God? I am a Christian, but sometimes things happen to me that make me doubt my faith, and I begin to wonder whether or not I'm really on the right track.

How can I know what I'm supposed to do with my life? I'm graduating from high school, and I still don't have any firm plans.

How can I know what I'm supposed to do with my life? I'm graduating from high school in a few weeks, and I still don't have any firm plans. I've looked at some colleges, but how can I know which one is right? Or can I? Time is running out and my parents are putting pressure on me, but I don't want to make a mistake.

How can I tell my mother to back off and stop trying to run our family's life? I don't want to hurt her, but what should I do?

How can I tell my mother to back off and stop trying to run our family's life? She doesn't like the way we're raising our children but her ideas are out of date and just don't go along with our lifestyle. I don't want to hurt her, but what should I do?

An acquaintance of mine claims to be a Christian, but he's very prejudiced against other ethnic groups. How can he feel this way and still be a Christian?

An acquaintance of mine at work claims to be a Christian, but he's very prejudiced against people of other ethnic groups. How can he feel this way and still be a Christian? I thought Christians were supposed to love others, even if they didn't agree with them.

I come from another country, and I am working here for the next three years. Please, sir, would you tell me who Jesus is, and what a Christian is?

I come from another country, and I am working here for my company for the next three years. Please, sir, would you tell me who Jesus is, and what a Christian is? The people I work with don't seem to be able to explain it.

I've been praying for my sister, who is in a difficult financial situation due to her husband, but things are getting worse. Does it do any good to pray for others?

My sister is in a very difficult financial situation because her husband isn't very responsible. I've prayed and prayed for her, but if anything, things are getting worse. What more can I do? Does it really do any good to pray for other people?

Every time I start to commit myself to Jesus, I begin thinking of all the questions I have and whether I'm strong enough to be a Christian, and I end up not doing anything.

I know my life would be better if I were a believer but I just can't seem to get there. Every time I start to commit myself to Jesus, I begin thinking of all the questions I have and whether or not I'm strong enough to be a Christian, and I end up not doing anything. Maybe you can help me.