
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Don't you think the world would be better off if we learned to follow the teachings of Jesus? Do you think that could ever happen?

Don't you think the world would be better off if we learned to follow the teachings of Jesus? Do you think that could ever happen?

What did Jesus mean when He said that the days just before He comes again would be like the time of Noah? Does this mean God is going to send another flood?

What did Jesus mean when He said somewhere that the days just before He comes again would be like the time of Noah? Does this mean God is going to judge the world by sending another flood?

Why are some people so critical and negative? My sister is like that. I try not to let it get to me, but it's hard not to take it personally.

Why are some people so critical and negative? My sister is like that, and even when she gives someone a compliment, it always sounds like she's actually criticizing them and hinting that they don't quite measure up. I try not to let it get to me, because I know that's just the way she is, but it's hard not to take it personally.

Is it wrong to keep your thoughts about people to yourself, instead of telling them what you really think?

Is it wrong to keep your thoughts about people to yourself, instead of telling them what you really think? I'm not trying to be dishonest when I do this, but usually I know the other person will just get upset and it wouldn't do any good to be so open.

I have everything a person could ever want but I'm unsettled and wondering what's missing in my life. Is it God? How do I know?

Sometimes I think something must be wrong with me. I have everything a person could ever want in the way of success, but down inside I'm unsettled and wondering what's missing in my life. Is it God? I suppose that's what you'd say, but how do I know?

I believe in Jesus, but my faith isn't as strong as I wish it were, and sometimes I do things I know I shouldn't. How can I develop a strong faith?

I believe in Jesus and want to follow Him, but I admit that I'm strictly a "work in progress." My faith isn't as strong as I wish it were, and sometimes I do things I know I shouldn't. How can I develop a strong faith?

We had our first child a few months ago, and to be honest, it's been a very sobering experience for me. How can I be a good father?

We had our first child a few months ago, and to be honest, it's been a very sobering experience for me. How can I be a good father? My own father was always busy with his job and never spent much time with my sisters and me, but I'd like to do better.

My sister says the group I'm thinking of joining is a cult. They've been very kind to me, but I don't want to do something wrong. What exactly is a cult?

My sister says the group I'm thinking of joining is a cult, and I ought to stop going to their meetings. They've been very kind to me and I like them, but I don't want to do something wrong. What exactly is a cult?

The doctor has me on a painkiller that I take in strong doses for chronic back pain. I'm scared that I'll get addicted. Should I be taking this drug so much?

I suffer from chronic back pain, and the doctor has me on a fairly strong painkiller. I'm scared that I'll get addicted to this drug because I've been on it a couple of years, and now I'm having to take stronger doses. Is it wrong for me to be taking this drug so much?

I've always been curious about where evil comes from, and the devil, and things like that.

What's the difference between the devil and a demon? Maybe it isn't very important, but I've always been curious about where evil comes from, and the devil, and things like that.

I know we're supposed to confess our sins, but I'm not sure I can remember everything I've done wrong. Does this mean God hasn't forgiven me?

I know we're supposed to confess our sins to God in order to be forgiven, but I'm not sure I can remember everything I've ever done wrong. I've also probably committed sins that I didn't even know about (such as bad thoughts or motives). Does this mean God hasn't forgiven me?

Our daughter is getting married and we aren't pleased with her choice of husband. Should we attend the wedding or not?

I know there probably isn't any final answer to this, but our daughter is getting married in a few months, and we don't know how to react. Frankly, we aren't pleased with her choice of husband, and anyway they've been living together for a year (which we don't approve of). Should we attend the wedding or not?