
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Nurture Your Faith, Remove Doubt

Does God get angry at me when I have doubts? Most of the time, my faith is fairly strong, but then something will happen that causes me to have doubts. Will God forgive me for this?

The First Step to God's Forgiveness

How can I expect God to forgive me when I can't even forgive myself? I've hurt a lot of people and done a lot of shameful things in my life, but I can't go back and change the past. I hate what I've done, but I'll never get over my guilt.

With Christ, Salvation Is Guaranteed

I believe in Jesus and go to church sometimes and all that, but I don't think we can know if we're going to get to heaven until we actually die. I think we just have to do the best we can, and hope everything will turn out OK in the end.

God Wants to Forgive Your Past Wrongs

How bad do you have to be before God won't have anything more to do with you? I've messed up my life pretty badly, but does this mean God is so disgusted with me that He won't have anything more to do with me? I hope not, but I'm afraid so.

Medicine and Faith Can Both Bring Healing

I think I'll stop taking some of the medicines I'm on, because I think God has maybe healed me. Hasn't He promised to heal us if we just have enough faith? That's what someone I heard once on television said.

Give Your Worries to God

My husband says I'm just a worrier, and maybe I am, but I can't help but be concerned about all the bad things that might happen to us. I tell him I was just born this way, but he says I need to stop worrying so much. How can I? It's just the way I am.

We're Sinners, But God Loves Us Anyway

Since God supposedly knows everything, does this mean He also knows our inner thoughts? Can He look inside our minds and know what we're thinking? I find that kind of scary, because I'm not sure I want God to know some of the things that go through my mind.

Does the Bible Give Us Any Hope for a Better World?

I used to believe that if we just worked hard enough and tried to understand each other, we'd make the world a peaceful place, but I'm not so sure anymore. Does the Bible give us any hope for a better world?

God Knows, and Always Responds to Our Need

Why does God answer some prayers but ignores others? I'm having a hard time with this, because I prayed and prayed for my wife's healing from cancer, but it didn't happen. How do you explain this?

Point Dying Friend to Christ

The doctor says a friend of mine has only a few months to live, and I don't know how I ought to be praying. Should I pray that God will heal him, or should I pray instead that he'll feel God's presence and not be afraid of death?

I Don't Like the Music at My Church. Should I Complain?

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but from time to time our church's music director introduces new songs into the service, and I don't care for them. I like the old hymns, and wish he'd just stick with them. Should I complain to our pastor?

Your Financial Giving: Is God Keeping Score?

I'm on a fixed income, and I just don't have any extra money to give to my church. I used to be able to help, but I don't see how I can now. Will God be angry with me for this?