
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I have a friend who says only a few believers will go to heaven and the rest will live forever on earth. How can I convince her she's wrong?

I have a friend who says only a small number of believers will go to heaven (who've worked the hardest for God), and the rest will live forever on earth. I believe the Bible teaches that every believer goes to heaven when they die but how can I convince her she's wrong?

My husband says he loves me, but he loves sitting in front of the TV more than he loves me. Should I just call it quits and start over?

I don't think my husband has a clue what love is all about. He says he loves me, but to be honest he loves sitting in front of the TV watching sports or going fishing with his buddies more than he loves me. Should I just call it quits and start over?

I read a book that claims the real truth about Jesus was suppressed by the church. Is there any truth to it?

I just read a book that claims the real truth about Jesus was suppressed by the church, and that what we have in the Bible isn't the full story, or even the right one. It was an interesting book but it did raise some questions in my mind. Is there any truth to it?

Our son's wife left him about a year ago. He came to live with us, but he doesn't show any signs moving on with his life. How should we deal with him?

Our son's wife left him about a year ago, and it really hurt him. He came to live with us, supposedly for a few months, but he doesn't show any signs of getting a job or moving on with his life. How should we deal with him?

We're putting in a swimming pool, and the only reason is to keep up with our neighbors. We do this kind of thing all the time, but we can't seem to stop.

This summer, we're putting in a swimming pool, and in my heart I know the only reason we're spending all this money is to keep up with our neighbors, although we can't really afford it. We do this kind of thing all the time, but we can't seem to stop. Maybe you have some suggestions about how to get off this merry-go-round.

My parents always made it clear that they didn't really want me. Can God somehow get me out of my feelings of depression? Does He really care?

My parents always made it clear that I was an accident and they didn't really want me, and I guess that's why I grew up with such a terrible self image. But just knowing this hasn't made me get over my depression or feel any better about myself. Can God somehow get me out of these feelings? Or does He really care?

Where does our soul go when we die if we are believers?

Where does our soul go when we die if we are believers? Does it go into some kind of sleep until the last judgment, or does it go immediately to heaven?

If God is in control of everything, why do bad things happen to us? I'd like to believe in God, but I just can't understand this.

If God is in control of everything, why do bad things happen to us? I'd like to believe in God, but I just can't understand this.

My husband never wanted anything to do with God, but before he died, he said he was giving his life to Jesus. Do you think God forgave him?

My husband never wanted anything to do with God, although he didn't mind if I went to church. But a few weeks before he died, he said he was giving his life to Jesus. Do you think God really forgave him after all those years? I long to see him in heaven, but I worry if he's really there.

I grew up in church, but left when I left home, I wish I had a church, but I’m afraid I’ll feel like an outsider. Can you understand my fear of being rejected?

Like a lot of people, I grew up in the church but left it all behind me when I left home and started my own life. Now, I wish I had a church to help me sort out my life (I've just been through a bad divorce), but I'm afraid I'll feel like an outsider. Can you understand my fear of being rejected?

I know as a Christian I shouldn't fear death, but I do. I just can't get these fears out of my mind. What is wrong with me?

I know as a Christian I shouldn't fear death, but I do. I worry about my health all the time (although the doctor always tells me there's nothing really wrong with me), and I just can't get these fears out of my mind. What is wrong with me?

What does the Bible say about life on other planets? Or does it forbid us to believe there might be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

What does the Bible say (if anything) about life on other planets? Or does it forbid us to believe there might be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? I can't believe God would go to all the trouble of making such a vast universe and then not using it for anything.