
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Do you think we can communicate with those who’ve died? I lost my husband last year, and I long to hear his voice again. Why shouldn’t I try this?

Do you think we can communicate with those who've died and entered the spirit realm? I lost my husband last year, and I long to hear his voice again. I thought I might try to see a psychic who could put me in touch with him. Why shouldn't I try this?

I really want to believe in God and follow Jesus, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. Have you ever met people like me?

I really want to believe in God and follow Jesus, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. What would you suggest I do? Have you ever met people like me?

I know I ought to witness more for Jesus and tell others about Him, but I'm rather shy and I just can't do much. How can I overcome this?

I know I ought to witness more for Jesus and tell others about Him, but I'm rather shy and I just can't do much. God must be very disappointed in me. How can I overcome this?

Our daughter is trying to get the latest fashions, but we don’t feel comfortable with some of them because they’re provocative. She says we’re old-fashioned.

Our 14-year-old daughter is constantly trying to get us to buy her the latest fashions, but we just don't feel comfortable with some of them because they're so skimpy and provocative. She doesn't see it this way and says we're just old-fashioned. Where do we draw the line? Or should we even try?

You say that the older someone gets, the harder it is to turn to God, but I don't agree. I'm in my 60s, and I could turn to God any time.

I heard you say once that the older someone gets, the harder it is for them to turn to God, but I don't agree with that. I'm in my 60s, and although I'm not a religious person right now, I'm sure I could turn to God any time I wanted to.

If God will save anyone who repents, does this mean the devil could be saved if he repented? Should we even pray for the devil so he'll repent?

If God will save anyone who truly repents, does this mean even the devil could be saved if he repented and turned to God? Maybe this is a silly question, but I've always wondered about it. Should we even pray for the devil so he'll repent?

Our mother has a lot of health issues, but my sister won’t do much to help her, although she lives a few blocks away. How can I persuade her to do more?

How should we deal with someone who refuses to accept responsibility? Our mother has a lot of health issues and needs lots of care, but my sister won't do very much to help her, although she lives only a few blocks away. She's always been a bit selfish, but how can I persuade her to do more?

My granddaughter stole from me. When I confronted her, she was sorry, but it has created a barrier between us. Should I have ignored what she did?

A few months ago, my granddaughter stole some prescription drugs (painkillers) from me. When I confronted her with this, she said she was sorry and won't do it again, but it has created a barrier between us, and I really hate this. Should I have just ignored what she did?

If Jesus willingly came into the world to die for our sins, then why did He ask God to open up some other way?

If Jesus willingly came into the world to die for our sins, then why did He try to avoid the cross and ask God to open up some other way? For that matter, why didn't God simply forgive us and not bother with the cross?

How do I know if I've been good enough to get into heaven?

I've been fairly successful in life, and although I'm not a churchgoer, I've always tried to live by the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. But how do I know if I've been good enough to get into heaven?

I just can't seem to get my life headed in the right direction. God must be very disappointed in me. What suggestions do you have?

I want to be a better person, but every time I try I get sidetracked and end up failing. God must be very disappointed in me, but I just can't seem to get my life headed in the right direction. What suggestions do you have?

Does God ever give people a second chance?

Does God ever give people a second chance? I turned my back on God over 50 years ago when I was a teenager, although I felt He was calling me. I know I should have committed myself to Jesus, and my life would have been a lot different if I had. Will He give me a second chance, or is it too late?