
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Sometimes my faith is strong but sometimes it's weak. How can I have a stronger faith?

I'm like that man in the Bible who told Jesus he believed, but he needed help to overcome his doubts (if I remember it correctly). Sometimes my faith is strong but sometimes it's weak. How can I have a stronger faith?

I am eight years old and I have a question for you. Did Noah's ark have dinosaurs in it? Or did they maybe die in the flood?

I am eight years old and I have a question for you. Did Noah's ark have dinosaurs in it? Or did they maybe die in the flood? My parents didn't know the answer and they said to ask you.

My children are trying to get me to stop driving because they say I'm getting too old, but I don't want to lose my independence.

My children are trying to get me to stop driving because they say I'm getting too old, but I don't want to lose my independence. I've always been a careful driver. How can I explain this to them? I tell them God will take care of me when I drive.

Does God hate us when we do something wrong? I've grown up thinking this must be true. What do you think?

Does God hate us when we do something wrong? I've grown up thinking this must be true, but a friend of mine says I'm wrong. What do you think?

I believe religion is a good thing and can help us live a better life right now, but I don't believe in life after death.

I believe religion is a good thing and can help us live a better life right now, but I don't believe in life after death. In my view, once you're dead that's the end, and this life is the only thing we ought to worry about.

I know God forgave me when I asked Jesus to come into my life, but if I commit a sin in the future, does this mean I'm no longer saved?

I know God forgave my sins when I asked Jesus to come into my life a few months ago, but what happens if I sin again? I'm trying to stay on the right path, but if I commit a sin in the future, does this mean I'm no longer saved? I worry about this.

I feel guilty because I get letters from Christian organizations that need money, but I can't afford to give more. What do you think about this?

I feel guilty because I get letters all the time from Christian organizations that need money, but I have to throw most of them out because I'm on a fixed income and it's hard to make ends meet. I don't see how I can afford to give more, but I still feel guilty. What do you think about this?

I gave my life to Jesus recently. My parents say that if I'm a Christian I'll have to give up the music I've always listened to. Are they right?

I am 17 and I gave my life to Jesus a few months ago. Now my parents are saying that if I'm going to be a Christian I'll have to give up the music I've always listened to. Are they right?

I've always wondered where all the different churches and denominations came from. Why don't they agree on everything?

Maybe this isn't a very important question, but I've always wondered where all the different churches and denominations came from. I know some people say they only differ in minor details, but why don't they agree on everything?

If God loved us He wouldn't let disasters like Hurricane Katrina take place. How can anyone believe God cares for us when something like that happens?

I've decided that it's just a fantasy to say God loves us. If He loved us He wouldn't have stood by and let disasters like Hurricane Katrina take place. How can anyone believe God cares for us when something like that happens?

It's been more than a year since I've had a job. I feel so useless and hopeless. Maybe you can give me some encouragement.

Our town has had some real problems with unemployment, and it's been more than a year since I've had a job. I feel so useless and hopeless. Maybe you can give me some encouragement. No one else has been able to.

My father died two years ago. My mother told me she's in love with someone she wants to marry. It's upset me greatly. How can I explain my feelings to her?

My father died about two years ago, and we were very close. But last week my mother told me she's fallen in love with someone and they plan on getting married, and it's upset me greatly. Maybe I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it. How can I explain my feelings to her?