
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What do you think the world is going to be like a hundred years from now?

What do you think the world is going to be like a hundred years from now? Some of us were talking about all the technological breakthroughs that have occurred just in the last century, and it made us wonder what our grandchildren will live to see.

I have an old drinking buddy who became a Christian, but I honestly can't see it ever happening to me. I'm too weak to become a real Christian.

I have an old drinking buddy who became a Christian a year or so ago, and I have to admit he really turned his life around. In some ways, I envy him, I suppose, but I honestly can't see it ever happening to me. I know I'm too weak to become a real Christian.

Why do I find it so hard to tell people that I'm sorry when I hurt them? Somehow I just can't bring myself to apologize. Why is this?

Why do I find it so hard to tell people that I'm sorry when I hurt them? I know I have a sharp tongue, and sometimes I say things I don't really mean, but somehow I just can't bring myself to apologize. Why is this?

All my life, I've never felt that anyone really cared for me. Is this just the way I am, or do you think I can change?

All my life, I've never felt that anyone really cared for me. I grew up mostly in foster homes, and now that I'm a bit older I find it hard to get along with people because I wonder if they really care about me. Is this just the way I am, or do you think I can change?

Sometimes I feel so depressed in the morning that I can hardly get up. What should I do?

Sometimes I feel so depressed in the morning that I can hardly get up. My husband keeps telling me I need to see a doctor, but a friend of mine says that if I just have enough faith in God I'll get better. Which one is right? What should I do?

Do you think it does any good to pray for spiritual revival?

Do you think it does any good to pray for spiritual revival? I know that long ago there used to be periods of religious revival in our land, but I wonder if we'll ever see anything like that again.

I have a hard time believing that God has always existed. How could God have always existed? Can you understand this?

I admit I have a hard time believing that God has always existed. After all, everything around us had a beginning, so might that not be true of God also? How could God have always existed? Can you understand this?

Is it wrong in God's eyes for someone to be successful in life?

Is it wrong in God's eyes for someone to be successful in life? I've always worked hard, and I've been very successful, but now that I'm getting older I'm wondering if this was somehow wrong.

Do you think it's important to tell the truth all the time? So many people I know don't think anything about telling a lie if it will help them.

I'm in high school, and I'd like to ask you a question: Do you think it's important to tell the truth all the time? So many people I know don't think anything about telling a lie if it will help them, and they think I'm odd because I'm a Christian and don't agree.

I'd really like to believe in God, but I just can't quite make it across the line. Can I overcome my doubts?

I'd really like to believe in God, but I just can't quite make it across the line. Sometimes I almost convince myself that God exists, but then doubts arise and I fall back into the same pit. Can I overcome my doubts?

I work in our county’s tax collection office, and I don’t understand why Jesus condemned tax collectors so much. Am I doing something wrong?

This may seem like a strange question, but I work in our county's tax collection office, and I don't understand why Jesus condemned tax collectors so much. After all, if we didn't collect taxes, we couldn't have good government, could we? Am I doing something wrong?

I grew up in a strong Christian home and I still believe in Christ, but why do so many intelligent people reject Him? This puzzles me.

I just started college a few weeks ago, and my problem is that hardly anyone here seems to take God seriously. Some even laugh at Him. I grew up in a strong Christian home and I still believe in Christ, but why do so many intelligent people reject Him? This puzzles me.