
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Our parents are getting older, and my brothers and sisters are arguing about who should get what from the estate. How should I react as a Christian?

My brothers and sisters have always had a hard time getting along, but now that our parents are getting older and in bad health, it's just getting worse. The problem is, they're always arguing about who should get what from the estate, and things like that. How should I react as a Christian?

I don't believe in God, so why do I still feel guilty when I do certain things?

Why do I feel guilty when I do certain things? I don't believe in God, so I don't believe we have any God-given list of things that are right and wrong, and yet I still feel guilty. Why is this?

My sister and I are very concerned about our mother, who recently broke her hip. We're afraid she won't be able to take care of herself. How can we help her?

My sister and I are very concerned about our mother. She recently broke her hip and will be coming out of the rehabilitation unit soon, but we're afraid she won't be able to take care of herself. Yet she refuses to think about moving from her apartment. How can we help her?

I know you are very persuasive, but frankly I don't have any need of God. I've gotten along just fine without God, and I don't see any reason to change.

I know you are very persuasive, but frankly I don't have any need of God. I've gotten along just fine without God, and I don't see any reason to change. Religion may be fine for some people but it's not for me.

I am a college student and a classmate of mine was recently killed in an auto accident. It's gotten me thinking about life and death. Why do you believe in life after death?

I am a college student, and I admit I'm mainly wrapped up in my life right now and don't think much about the future. But recently, a classmate of mine was killed in an auto accident, and it's gotten me thinking about life and death. Why do you believe in life after death?

I don't see what right we have to impose our religion on others. After all, they have their own religions, don't they?

Our church has just been through its annual conference to raise money for missions, but I don't see what right we have to impose our religion on other people. After all, they have their own religions, don't they?

Why are some people so obsessed with money? I have an uncle who is this way, and it seems like he's never satisfied.

Why are some people so obsessed with money? I have an uncle who is this way, and although he's been very successful in his business, it seems like he's never satisfied. And to be honest, he isn't a very pleasant person to be around, because all he can talk about is his success.

I got divorced, and now I've fallen in love again. My mother is telling me to go slow. I wish she'd back off and let me run my own life. How can I get this across to her?

I got divorced a few months ago, and now I've fallen in love with a man who is everything I could ever want. But my mother is constantly telling me to go slow. Sometimes I just wish she'd back off and let me run my own life. How can I get this across to her?

Last week, I was allowed to go home from the state mental hospital, after I got depressed and tried to commit suicide. How do I know I won't slide back into this again?

Last week, I was allowed to go home after a month in the state mental hospital. My family had me admitted after I got depressed and tried to commit suicide. I'm better now, but how do I know I won't slide back into this again? I need God to help me.

Last week, someone found a new baby in an abandoned car in our city, apparently left to die. How could anyone do this to a helpless child?

Last week, someone found a new baby in an abandoned car in our city, apparently left to die. How could anyone do this to a helpless child? What's happening to us? And yet it barely made the evening news.

I don't have any interest joining a church, but I consider myself as good a Christian as a lot of the church members I know. Isn't this what God really expects of us?

I don't have any interest in becoming a member of a church, but I consider myself just as good a Christian as a lot of the church members I know. In fact, I think I probably live a better life than most of them. Isn't this what God really expects of us?

How do you defend religion in light of all the evil it's caused?

I don't see what good religion has done for the world. History is filled with wars and injustices that have been carried out in the name of religion. Religion just divides people, in my opinion. How do you defend religion in light of all the evil it's caused?