
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'm involved in a business deal that wasn't exactly legal, and now I'm afraid we're going to get caught. Will God get me out of this if I sincerely promise to do what's right in the future?

Last year, a friend talked me into getting involved in a business deal that wasn't exactly legal. The deal hasn't worked out, and now I'm afraid we're going to get caught. Will God get me out of this if I sincerely promise to do what's right in the future?

My mother and I never spoke to each other the last 10 years of her life. She died a few months ago, and now I feel very guilty.

My mother and I never spoke to each other the last 10 years of her life. I won't go into the reasons, although I still feel she was mainly to blame. She died a few months ago, and now I feel very guilty over all of this. How can I get over these feelings?

Is cheating in class really wrong?

Is cheating in class really wrong? I'm in high school, and it seems like almost everyone does it. If I don't cheat I'll only end up cheating myself out of a better grade, won't I?

Why do some people seem to be almost like a different person when they get behind the steering wheel?

Why do some people seem to be almost like a different person when they get behind the steering wheel? My cousin is a fine and thoughtful Christian, but when he gets behind the wheel he almost turns into a monster. It scares me.

I feel so guilty because a friend of mine died from a drug overdose a few weeks ago.

I feel so guilty because a friend of mine died from a drug overdose a few weeks ago and I know he might still be alive if I'd done more to help him. I did try, but I guess I should have done more. Will God ever forgive me?

Could you give me some Bible verses that tell about angels and how they'll help us if we ask them?

I've always been fascinated by angels because I believe they are real and will help us if we pray hard enough. Could you give me some Bible verses that tell about angels and how they'll help us if we ask them?

One of my co-workers claims to be a Christian, but he doesn't seem to be a very happy person. Do you suppose he's really a Christian?

One of my co-workers claims to be a Christian, and he's very active in his church and all that. But he doesn't seem to be a very happy person, and in fact, he's always very negative and looking on the dark side of things. Do you suppose he's really a Christian, or is he just pretending?

I don't think it's wrong to shade the truth a little bit when it isn't going to make any difference, as long as it doesn't do any harm.

What is your definition of a lie? Personally I don't think it's wrong to shade the truth a little bit when it isn't going to make any difference, as long as it doesn't do any harm, but I suppose you wouldn't agree.

Why should I believe something just because it's in the Bible?

I know you constantly tell people to believe the Bible, but why should I believe something just because it's in the Bible? You'll probably say I ought to believe it because it's God's Word, but I'm not sure I believe that.

One of my relatives said I have a God-given responsibility to vote. Is he right?

One of my relatives got very upset at me when I told him the other day that I didn't vote in the last election because I thought it was a waste of time. I admit I'm cynical about politics and politicians, but he said I have a God-given responsibility to vote. Is he right?

I got involved with another woman and left my family for her, but now she's left me and I realize it was all a big mistake.

Is it ever possible to go back and straighten out something you've done that was wrong? I got involved with another woman a few years ago and left my family for her, but now she's left me and I realize it was all a big mistake. My former wife has remarried, and now I'm in the dumps.

Where did Satan come from?

I know people write you from time to time asking where God came from, but I've always been curious about something else: Where did Satan come from? Has he always existed, just like God has? Or does the Bible give some other explanation?