
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I believe every generation needs to make up its own mind what is wrong and what is right. After all, there are lots of things that people used to think were wrong that are widely accepted today.

I know you won't agree, but I believe every generation needs to make up its own mind what is wrong and what is right. After all, there are lots of things that people used to think were wrong that are widely accepted today.

I can understand why God lets bad things happen to people who are evil, but why do bad things sometimes happen to good people?

I can understand why God lets bad things happen to people who are evil, but why do bad things sometimes happen to good people? I'd like to believe God cares about us, but this is a real problem for me.

I'm convinced that I have committed the unforgivable sin. I'm too ashamed to even tell you what I've done, but I know there is no way God could ever forgive me.

I'm convinced that I have committed the unforgivable sin. I'm too ashamed to even tell you what I've done, but I know there is no way God could ever forgive me. I thought I could get by with it, but I was wrong. The only reason I'm writing is to warn others not to do what I did.

Last year, a friend of mine committed suicide after a long battle with mental illness. I feel so guilty, because I should have seen the signs of what was happening and tried to help him but I didn't.

Last year, a friend of mine committed suicide after a long battle with mental illness. I feel so guilty, because I should have seen the signs of what was happening and tried to help him but I didn't. Can I ever put these feelings behind me?

You've always struck me as a person with a very positive outlook on life. Is this true?

You've always struck me as a person with a very positive outlook on life. Is this true? There seems to be so much pessimism in the world today, and I think we need to be more optimistic and positive.

Maybe I'll turn to God when I get older, but right now I'm too busy having fun. What would you say to someone like me?

I grew up in a churchgoing home, but to be honest I've thrown all that out the window now that I'm on my own. Maybe I'll turn to God when I get older, but right now I'm too busy having fun. What would you say to someone like me?

My husband and I are discussing whether or not to send our children to Sunday school. He thinks it would be a good thing but I think they're too young to understand. What's your opinion?

Do you think children can understand anything about God? My husband and I are discussing whether or not to send our children to Sunday school. He thinks it would be a good thing but I think they're too young to understand anything about God. What's your opinion?

My boyfriend admits he has a problem with alcohol sometimes, but he says if we get married he'll stop drinking. Do you think he means what he says?

My boyfriend admits he has a problem with alcohol sometimes, but he says if we get married he'll stop drinking. I think we really love each other, but I can't help but worry about this. Do you think he means what he says?

Our parents are insisting my boyfriend and I wait until we get out of college before we get married, but we don't want to do this. Would it be wrong for us to get married secretly?

My boyfriend and I are in a dilemma because our parents are insisting we wait until we get out of college a year from now before we get married, but we don't want to do this. Would it be wrong for us to get married secretly?

Why are missionaries still needed? Can't we complete the task of spreading the Gospel to the whole world by using radio and television and the Internet?

Why are missionaries still needed? Can't we complete the task of spreading the Gospel to the whole world by using radio and television and the Internet? Hasn't God now given us the tools to complete the Great Commission?

I agree that we need to connect with God in order to have inner peace, but to me, God dwells within us, and looking within ourselves is the true path to inner peace.

I agree that we need to connect with God in order to have inner peace, but to me, God dwells within us, and looking within ourselves is the true path to inner peace. After all, didn't Jesus say God was within each one of us?

Why did Jesus allow people to put Him to death?

Why did Jesus allow people to put Him to death? It seems to me that He could have fled from His enemies and kept on living, but it almost sounds like He deliberately chose to die. And anyway as the Son of God He could have prevented it, couldn't He? I don't understand this.