
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I don't feel guilty when I do something wrong. Does this mean God has given up on me? Is my conscience too hardened to hear Him?

I have a friend who feels guilty if he does even the slightest thing wrong, but to be honest I'm not that way. I just shrug it off, and I'm mainly grateful I didn't get caught. Does this mean God has given up on me, and my conscience is too hardened to hear Him? What do you think?

I know that as a Christian I'm supposed to look forward to Heaven, but I can't honestly say that I do. Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

I know that as a Christian I'm supposed to look forward to Heaven, but I can't honestly say that I do. I've been blessed with an interesting job and a wonderful wife and family, and I don't want to give it all up, at least right now. Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

What proof do you have that heaven actually exists?

What proof do you have that heaven actually exists? I believe that once we die that's the end, and this life is all there is. But sometimes I wonder if I'm wrong.

What do you think it takes to become a successful person? I'd like to quit my job and start my own business, but I want to make sure I'll succeed.

What do you think it takes to become a successful person? I'd like to quit my job and start my own business, but I know it's a big step and I want to make sure I'll make a success of it.

Didn't Jesus say someplace that we ought to turn the other cheek when people do something bad to us? Isn't that unrealistic?

Didn't Jesus say someplace that we ought to turn the other cheek when people do something bad to us? Isn't that unrealistic? What would happen if our country just turned the other cheek when someone attacked us? They'd just run all over us, in my opinion.

My mother was a strong Christian, and when she died a few months ago she had no doubt that she was going to go to heaven. How could she be so sure?

My mother was a strong Christian, and when she died a few months ago she had no doubt that she was going to go to heaven. I wish I had that kind of faith, but I don't. I've tried to be a good person like she was, but how could she be so sure?

I went to the bookstore to find out more about religion but ended up leaving without anything, because they had hundreds of books and I just got confused.

The other day, I decided I needed to find out more about religion, so I went to the bookstore to find something that would help me. But I ended up leaving without anything, because they had hundreds of books on religion and I just got confused. What book would you recommend?

I've led a pretty wild life. About a month ago, however, I accepted Jesus, and my life is totally different now. But how can I explain this to my husband?

I didn't come from a religious background, and in fact, I've led a pretty wild life. About a month ago, however, a Christian friend led me to Jesus, and my life is totally different now. But how can I explain this to my husband? He's very opposed to God and is even talking about leaving me.

I'm not doing very well in high school, and I want to drop out. How can I persuade my parents to let me do this?

I'm not doing very well in high school, and I want to drop out. My parents are against this, but I have a friend I can move in with and he says he'll help me get a job. How can I persuade my parents to let me do this? It's not like I'm going to run away or anything.

My cousin keeps telling me just to have faith that everything will work out in my life. But how can I have that kind of faith when everything is going wrong?

I've had a lot of problems pile up over the last few months, but my cousin keeps telling me just to have faith that everything will work out, and it will. I suppose she's right, but how can I have that kind of faith when everything is going wrong?

I have a hard enough time staying out of trouble now, and a friend of mine says the devil will get after me even harder if I give my life to Jesus. Is that true?

I think I would like to be a real Christian but I'm not sure I could keep it up. I have a hard enough time staying out of trouble now, and a friend of mine says the devil will get after me even harder if I give my life to Jesus. Is that true?

My wife left me about a year ago, and I really miss our children (who are almost in their teens now). I admit I wasn't a very good father, but is there any way I can go back and make things right?

My wife left me about a year ago, and at first it felt kind of good to be free of her and finished with all the fighting. But now I really miss our children (who are almost in their teens now), and I wish I could undo the damage I know I've done to them. I admit I wasn't a very good father, but is there any way I can go back and make things right?