
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I walked away from a bad car wreck a few weeks ago, and my mother says God is giving me a second chance. What am I supposed to do?

I was in a bad car wreck a few weeks ago, and I was lucky enough to walk away with only minor injuries. My mother says God is giving me a second chance. Do you think she's right? What am I supposed to do?

Both of my parents died of cancer. I know I ought to go to the doctor and get tested but I'm afraid. Will God protect me anyway?

Both of my parents died of cancer, and some of my other relatives have had it also. I know I ought to go to the doctor and get tested but I'm afraid to do it. If I pray hard enough will God protect me anyway?

I'm very concerned about a neighbor of mine. His life has fallen apart. How can I help him?

I'm very concerned about a neighbor of mine. His life has kind of fallen apart since his wife divorced him for another man. He needs God and I'd like to invite him to church, but I'm afraid to ask him for fear he'll think I'm trying to cram my religion down his throat and cut me off. How can I help him?

Everyone thinks we are a perfect couple, but the truth is we're having a lot of problems. We need help, but our pastor would be shocked if we went to him.

Everyone thinks we are a perfect couple, but the truth is we're having a lot of problems, and I'm not sure we're going to make it. We need help, but our pastor would be shocked if we went to him. Where can we turn? We can't afford expensive counseling.

I think it's hard to love someone who is as strict as God is. What am I missing?

I heard a sermon the other day about loving God, and it got me to thinking. I've always believed in God and been respectful toward Him, but I can't honestly say that I love God. After all, I think it's hard to love someone who is as strict as God is. What am I missing?

Why are some people interested in God and other people aren't? I've been trying to talk to a friend about Jesus, but he's made it clear he isn't interested.

Why are some people interested in God and other people aren't? I find this puzzling and hard to understand. I've been trying to talk to a man who goes to the same health club I do about Jesus, but he's made it clear he just isn't interested. How can I get through to him?

How can you convince someone that the Bible is true?

How can you convince someone that the Bible is true? A friend of mine just laughs when I say something about the Bible, because he says it's full of errors and contradictions. How can I answer him?

My boss wants to promote me to a new position, but it involves a lot of travel. My family is very opposed to that. What should I do?

I feel like I'm being torn in two directions. My boss wants to promote me to a new position in the company, and I'd like to take it because it pays more and has a bright future. But it also involves a lot of travel, and my family is very opposed to that. What should I do?

Two years ago, my husband had an affair. I think I've forgiven him, but how can I ever forget? And how can I ever trust him again?

We went through a hard time in our marriage about two years ago, after my husband admitted he'd been having an affair with another woman. It really shattered me. I think I've forgiven him, but how can I ever forget? And how can I ever trust him again? He doesn't know my feelings, but I'm really struggling.

I've been thinking about leaving my estranged family out of my will and giving everything to charity. Would that be wrong?

I'm in my 80s, and no one in my family has much to do with me anymore. I know they're busy and have families of their own but they don't even call. Recently, I've been thinking about leaving them out of my will and giving everything to charity. Would that be wrong?

What will we do in heaven? I love to play sports, and I can't imagine being happy without them.

What will we do in heaven? I love to play sports, and I can't imagine being happy in heaven without them. I know some people will think this is silly, but do you think it's possible?

My parents are pushing me to go to college, but to be honest I'm tired of school. Do you have any advice?

By the time you get this I'll be finished with high school, and I don't have any idea what to do next. My parents are pushing me to go to college, but to be honest I'm tired of school. Do you have any advice?