
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can someone who doesn't know very much about God decide what's true about Him and what isn't?

How can someone who doesn't know very much about God decide what's true about Him and what isn't? I'd like to believe, but people have so many different ideas about God that I'm afraid I'll end up believing the wrong thing.

My father just died, and I feel so guilty because I never really thanked him for all he did for me.

My father just died, and I feel so guilty because I never really thanked him for all he did for me. My mother died when I was in my early teens, and he had the responsibility of raising me by himself. I guess I was just too wrapped up in my own life.

Does it do much good to say memorized prayers like the Lord's Prayer?

We say the Lord's Prayer in our church every week, but to be honest I've never paid much attention to it. Does it do much good to say memorized prayers like that?

How can I empty my mind of all the useless thoughts I have so I can hear God speaking to me?

How can I empty my mind of all the useless thoughts I have so I can hear God speaking to me? I want to be close to God and feel His presence, but I have a hard time getting rid of all the distractions in my mind.

My wife is demanding that I either join her religious group or she's going to move out. What's going on?

I don't understand what's gotten into my wife. We've never been religious, but suddenly she's gotten very involved with what I guess is a church, and now she's demanding that I either join it or she's going to move out. I can't even reason with her. What's going on?

I recently gave my life to Jesus. Should I try and go back and straighten out some of the things I did wrong?

I recently gave my life to Jesus, which was a miracle because I've lived like the devil most of my life. My question is this: Should I try and go back and straighten out some of the things I did wrong? I know I've hurt a lot of people, and I feel bad about it.

I just can't seem to resist temptation. Is it possible to change, or am I always going to be this way?

I get so mad at myself because I just can't seem to resist temptation. When something wrong comes along, I don't even stop to think about it until it's too late. Is it possible to change, or am I always going to be this way?

I turned my back on God over 60 years ago. Now I'm old and dying, and I wish I'd taken a different road. Please tell young people not to do what I did.

I turned my back on God over 60 years ago, while I was still in my teens. I can even remember when I did it (at a church service where the preacher was calling people to give their lives to Jesus). Now I'm old and dying, and I wish I'd taken a different road. Please tell young people not to do what I did. I was a fool, but now it's too late.

I believe in life after death, but the thought of dying scares me. Maybe if I had more faith I wouldn't feel this way.

Do you fear death? I guess I believe in life after death, but I have to admit that the thought of dying scares me. Maybe if I had more faith I wouldn't feel this way.

I have a friend who's had a lot of problems, and she's always blaming other people for her problems. How can I help her?

I have a friend who's had a lot of problems, and I've always tried to sympathize and encourage her. But lately I've realized she's always blaming other people for her problems and never accepts any responsibility for some of the bad decisions she's made. Frankly, I'm getting kind of tired of it. How can I help her?

My wife has lost interest in everything. Some mornings, she can't even get out of bed. What should I do?

I don't understand my wife. We've been happily married for 25 years, but now that the children are gone she's lost interest in everything. Some mornings, she can't even get out of bed. We pray about it, but nothing changes and I'm beginning to get alarmed. What should I do?

My estranged father sent word to my brother and me that he's only got a few months to live, and he wants to see us. Why should we bother?

The other day, my father sent word to my brother and me that he's only got a few months to live, and he wants to see us. Why should we bother? He abandoned our mother when we were young, and her life was a constant struggle.