
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Can I be a Christian without going to church?

I haven't been a Christian very long, and going to church is kind of intimidating to me. In fact, I've almost quit going because I'm afraid I'll stand at the wrong time or won't know what to say when everyone is repeating a prayer. Can I be a Christian without going to church?

My husband has moved in with another woman and filed for divorce. I feel like such a failure. Where did I go wrong?

Our marriage is on the rocks, and I guess I'm to blame. My husband says he can never talk with me, and that I try to boss him whenever we do talk about anything serious. It seems like no matter what I do he reacts negatively. Now he's moved in with another woman and filed for divorce. I feel like such a failure. Where did I go wrong?

Do you think the world will be a better place in half a century?

Recently, our daughter had our first grandson, and I have found myself worrying a lot about the kind of world he will face. Do you think the world will be a better place in half a century?

If you could deliver just one message to the youth of our world, what would it be?

If you could deliver just one message to the youth of our world, what would it be? It seems like they have so many problems that we never faced when we were growing up, and I wish I could help them in some way to get on the right track.

I have friends who say I need Jesus in order to be happy, but I'm happy the way I am. Why should I bother with God?

I have friends who say I need Jesus in order to be happy, but I'm happy the way I am. Why should I bother with God? He'd probably just make me stop some of the things I enjoy doing.

Is there any sin that God can't forgive?

Is there any sin that God can't forgive? I worry about this because I've led kind of a rough life, and I can't imagine God just wiping the slate clean, so to speak, and forgiving all the bad things I've done.

Why doesn't the devil just let people alone, instead of trying to win them over to his side? Doesn't he know he's going to be defeated?

Why doesn't the devil just let people alone, instead of trying to win them over to his side? Doesn't he know he's going to be defeated? It seems to me he's giving himself to a lost cause.

We don't believe our children should have religion crammed down their throats, but should be free to make up their own minds about it when they get older.

We don't believe our children should have religion crammed down their throats, but should be free to make up their own minds about it when they get older. But some of our relatives say we ought to give them religious instruction now. Are they right?

A group in our city claims to follow an ancient form of paganism and practice witchcraft. Do you think they're serious about this?

The other day, our newspaper ran an article about a group in our city that claims to follow an ancient form of paganism. They even say they practice witchcraft, although not the kind that harms people. Do you think they're serious about this, or are they just trying to attract attention?

Which is stronger in your opinion, good or evil? I'd like to think that good will win in the end. What does the Bible say?

Which is stronger in your opinion, good or evil? When I read the headlines every day, it looks like evil is winning out, although I'd like to think that good will win in the end. What does the Bible say?

I'm reading a book on atheism, and its main point is that there isn't any reason to believe in God. How would you answer this?

I've been reading a book on atheism recently. Its main point is that there isn't any reason to believe in God, and the only reasonable way to live is to forget about God. I know you won't agree, but how would you answer this?

I made a lot of promises to God if He got me out of Iraq alive. He did, but I haven't followed through. How can I do better?

I prayed a lot while I was on duty in Iraq and I made all sorts of promises to God about the way I'd live if He got me out of there alive. Well, He did, but I've been back about six months now, and I'm ashamed to say I have not followed through on my promises. How can I do better?