
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can God ever keep track of all 6 billion people on earth and what they are doing?

I read somewhere that there are approximately 6 billion people on earth. How can God ever keep track of all of them and what they are doing? I just can't imagine that God is interested in what happens to every one of us. He's too big to worry about us, it seems to me.

I can't forgive myself for something terrible I did, how can I ever expect God to forgive me?

I did something very terrible almost 20 years ago, and I've hated myself ever since. But if I can't forgive myself for what I did, how can I ever expect God to forgive me? I thought I'd get over my guilt feelings as time went by, but I haven't.

I was very sorry to read about the death of your wife, Ruth. I know you'll miss her very much.

I was very sorry to read in the newspaper about the death of your wife, Ruth. From all I've read, she must have been a remarkable woman, and I know you'll miss her very much. You and your family are in my prayers.

A man I work with gets very upset whenever anyone brings up the subject of religion. Why is this?

I've never understood why some people seem to hate God. A man I work with gets very upset whenever anyone brings up the subject of religion, even if they aren't trying to convert anyone or start an argument. Why is this?

What do you think about falling in love over the Internet?

What do you think about falling in love over the Internet? I've gotten very involved with a man through a chat room I'm on, and he says he thinks he loves me, and I think I love him. Now he wants me to come visit him (he's in another part of the country), but my parents are saying no.

My husband and I feel so guilty, because we put his mother in a nursing home. Is God trying to tell us to bring her back?

My husband and I feel so guilty, because last year we put his mother in a nursing home. She has Alzheimer's and it was getting very difficult for us to take care of her, but we still worry that we made the wrong decision. Is God trying to tell us to bring her back?

I gave my life to Jesus, and I know I ought to be more humble. But how can I achieve this?

I've always been successful in life, and until recently I guess I was fairly proud of my accomplishments. But recently I gave my life to Jesus, and I know I ought to be more humble. But how can I achieve this?

Our pastor spoke on spiritual warfare, talking about how the devil and God are at war with each other. Is this true?

Our pastor spoke on spiritual warfare last week, talking about the way the devil and God are at war with each other, and how we are in the middle of this spiritual battle (if I understood him correctly). I had never heard this before. Is this true?

The husband of a friend of mine is going to divorce her because she has Alzheimer's disease, and he says she doesn't even know him now. What's your opinion?

A friend of mine was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease several years ago and is in a nursing home. Now, her husband says he's going to get a divorce because he needs to get on with his life, and since she doesn't even know him now it doesn't make any difference. What's your opinion?

My sister and her husband had a very stormy marriage, but since he passed away, she's been paralyzed with grief. Why is she reacting this way?

I don't understand my sister. She and her husband had a very stormy marriage, but since he passed away last year, my sister has been almost paralyzed with grief. I haven't said anything, but to be honest, if I were her, I'd be glad he's gone. Why is she reacting this way?

Will I recognize my mother when I get to heaven? And will she recognize me?

I never knew my mother, because she died when I was very young. Will I recognize her when I get to heaven? And will she recognize me? This bothers me, because I've heard that the Bible says somewhere that in heaven we won't remember the former things.

My husband is serving with the military overseas. I pray all the time, but it's still very hard. How can we get through this?

My husband is serving with the military overseas, and I can't begin to tell you how difficult it's been for our children and me. How can we get through this? I pray all the time, but it's still very hard.