
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why would an otherwise intelligent person get involved in a cult?

Recently, a celebrity I've always admired announced that he had become a member of a particular religious group, which most people say is a cult. Why would an otherwise intelligent person like him get involved in a cult? I find it all very confusing.

I got involved with a man at work, and ended up wrecking my marriage. Believe me, it wasn't worth it.

I wish I could live my life over again. Almost 30 years ago, I got involved with a man at work, and ended up wrecking my marriage and marrying him. We're still together, but it hasn't been a happy life and we mainly go our separate ways. Maybe my experience will keep someone from going down that path. Believe me, it wasn't worth it.

A friend of mine says I should be able to point to a definite time when I gave my heart to Jesus, and if I can't do that, then I'm not a real Christian. Is this true?

I've always believed in Jesus and wanted to live for Him since I was a child. But a friend of mine says I should be able to point to a definite time when I gave my heart to Jesus, and if I can't do that (which he can), then I'm not a real Christian. Is this true? It really worries me.

I'm put off by my church's high-pressure fundraising techniques. Should I tell the pastor about my concerns?

Our church is planning a major building project, and they're going to bring in a fundraising firm to get the money for it. But to be honest, I'm put off by what I've heard about their high-pressure techniques. Should I tell the pastor about my concerns?

Our son is leaving for college in a few weeks, and I can't wait for him to go. I hate that it's like this, but what can we do?

I don't like to admit this, but our son is leaving for college in a few weeks and I can't wait for him to go. He's gotten very rebellious, and almost every conversation turns into a shouting match. I hate that it's like this, and I'm afraid he's headed for trouble, but what can we do?

How do you know when to hang on to a bad marriage and when to move on?

How do you know when to hang on to a bad marriage and when to move on? My husband has been unfaithful to me almost since the beginning of our marriage, and now he's moved in with another woman and says it's time for us to call it quits. I don't know what to tell him. I feel so hopeless.

My brother died recently, and his wife didn't even notify any of us until after the funeral. Is it wrong for us to feel angry about this?

Our family is very upset because my brother died recently and his wife didn't even notify any of us until after the funeral. They lived in another part of the country so we didn't know what was going on, but this has made us very angry. Is it wrong for us to feel this way?

How can you say that God is a loving God when so much of the Bible talks about God judging people?

How can you say that God is a loving God when so much of the Bible talks about God judging people? That doesn't sound very kind and loving to me.

A man I work with gets very upset whenever anyone brings up the subject of religion. Why is this?

I've never understood why some people seem to hate God. A man I work with gets very upset whenever anyone brings up the subject of religion, even if they aren't trying to convert anyone or start an argument. Why is this?

What do you think about falling in love over the Internet?

What do you think about falling in love over the Internet? I've gotten very involved with a man through a chat room I'm on, and he says he thinks he loves me, and I think I love him. Now he wants me to come visit him (he's in another part of the country), but my parents are saying no.

My husband and I feel so guilty, because we put his mother in a nursing home. Is God trying to tell us to bring her back?

My husband and I feel so guilty, because last year we put his mother in a nursing home. She has Alzheimer's and it was getting very difficult for us to take care of her, but we still worry that we made the wrong decision. Is God trying to tell us to bring her back?

I gave my life to Jesus, and I know I ought to be more humble. But how can I achieve this?

I've always been successful in life, and until recently I guess I was fairly proud of my accomplishments. But recently I gave my life to Jesus, and I know I ought to be more humble. But how can I achieve this?