
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Know Christ, Understand Forgiveness

I don't believe it's possible to forgive someone who has deeply hurt you. I trusted someone very much, and later she betrayed me. When I confronted her about it she just laughed. I know I should forgive her, but I just can't.

How Can I Get Over My Fear About Death?

One of my best friends (only 28) was killed in an accident recently, and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. It's not just that I miss him, but I've never thought much about death before, and it's got me scared. How can I get over my fears?

Be Wary of Labeling Something a 'Sign'

Sometimes something good will happen to me, or I'll have a vivid dream about something, and later I'll wonder if maybe God was trying to speak to me. But how can I be sure? Maybe it's just my imagination.

Jesus Will Change Your Life!

I know we're supposed to be different once we commit our lives to Jesus, but what does this mean exactly? I've never been a bad person, so what would change if I became a Christian? I think I'd probably be about the same.

Be An Example of Christ's Love

Every time I try to witness to someone and tell them about Jesus, it ends up in an argument. They accuse me of being too judgmental, or they say you can't believe the Bible, or things like that, and when I try to answer them it turns into an argument. What am I doing wrong?

Bring Your Requests to God

I've prayed and prayed for God to do something for me, but to be honest I'm not sure it's the kind of thing I ought to be asking for. Maybe I'm just being selfish. How can I know? Should I just stop praying for it?

God Has Other Plans for Couples Who Can't Conceive

Our doctor just told us we'll never have any children, and it's about to break our hearts. Why would God do this to us? It seems so unfair, since we've always looked forward to being the kind of loving family that children need today.

With God's Help, Be Generous This Holiday Season

I know the end of the year is still several months away, but I'm already dreading it because every December we get a flood of mail from organizations asking for money. We want to be generous, but we can't support all of them. How should we decide?

Jesus Was Human, But He Never Sinned

I've heard people say that Jesus never sinned, but I have a hard time believing that. He must have done something wrong at least once in His life, like we all do. What difference does it make anyway?

Hypocrites Need Prayer and Faith

My neighbor is a really good person who's always helping people and all that, but he won't have anything to do with a church or with God because he says Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites. How can I answer him?

Let God, Not Fortune Tellers, Guide Your Path

I'm facing some hard decisions, so recently I went to a woman who claimed she could tell the future and give me some guidance by reading my palm. But what she said was kind of vague and not very helpful. Did I waste my money?

Christ Can Comfort Families of Prisoners

I know many prisoners write you, but could you say something to those of us who are family members of prisoners? It's really hard on us, not only because we're missing a family member, but because some people don't want anything to do with us. Soon my husband will be out, but it's been tough.