
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Does the Bible say anything about going to funerals?

I've missed several funerals in my family the last few years (which has upset some of my relatives), and the reason is because I just can't stand going to funerals. Does the Bible say anything about going to funerals?

A friend says when we commit our lives to God, we become little gods. Is this what the Bible teaches?

A friend of mine says that when we commit our lives to God and obey Him, then we become divine and are little gods (if I understand her correctly). Is this what the Bible teaches?

I lost control of my car, and a friend died in the accident. Maybe God can forgive me, but I'll never be able to forgive myself.

Twenty years ago, I lost control of my car while driving too fast on a rainy road, and a friend died in the accident. Maybe God can forgive me, but I'll never be able to forgive myself. Please warn people to be careful driving, because something like this stays with you the rest of your life.

I've been in and out of rehab more times than I can count since I was 13. Nothing works. Even God has given up on me.

I had to laugh the other day because I heard someone say that drugs aren't as big a problem with young people as they used to be. Well, I'm in my mid-20s, and I've been in and out of rehab more times than I can count since I was 13. Nothing works. Even God has given up on me.

Should I take the words of Jesus more seriously than the rest of the Bible?

My aunt gave me a Bible for my high school graduation, and she made a big deal about all the words of Jesus being printed in red. Does this mean I should take the words of Jesus more seriously than the rest of the Bible?

I'd like to start all over with God, but I'm afraid He must be out of patience with me. Please tell me if I'm wrong.

Ten years ago, I gave my life to Jesus at a high school church camp, but after I got to college I forgot all about it and lived like everyone else. Now I'd like to start all over with God but I'm afraid He must be out of patience with me. Please tell me if I'm wrong.

Did Jesus have children? Is there any evidence for this?

Did Jesus have children? A friend of mine has gotten very interested in this and claims that Jesus wasn't put to death but lived on for some years after His ministry ended, and married and had a family. Is there any evidence for this?

I’m headed for college in a few weeks. Do you have any advice for me as a Christian?

I'm headed for college in a few weeks, and as a Christian I'm wondering what to expect. Some people say that my faith will be attacked there, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Do you have any advice for me?

I'm very tempted to try and communicate with my deceased husband.

Do you think we can talk to people who have died and are now part of the spirit world? My husband passed away almost a year ago, and my sister says I ought to go to someone who can help me communicate with him. I admit I'm very tempted to give it a try.

How can you tell whether it's God speaking to you or the devil?

How can you tell whether it's God speaking to you or the devil? Last year, I had a very strong feeling that I ought to do something, and I thought God must be telling me to do it. But it turned out to be very wrong, and now I think it must have been the devil. But how could I have known?

My friend says her church is the only one that has the whole truth. But isn't it enough to believe in Jesus?

A friend of mine says that while she respects the sincerity of my faith, I still need to become a member of her church. The reason, she says, is because her church is the only one that has the whole truth. But isn't it enough to believe in Jesus?

Doesn't the Bible say somewhere that people who teach it will be judged more strictly than other people?

Our church's education committee is asking me to teach a Bible class for our high school group but I'm not sure I want to do it. Doesn't the Bible say somewhere that people who teach it will be judged more strictly than other people?