
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

We never get to have our own Christmas as a family, because our relatives insist we spend the entire time with them.

Christmas is still months away but I'm already dreading it. The problem is that we never get to have our own Christmas as a family, because our relatives insist we spend the entire time with them. I'm exhausted by the time we get through with all the travel and emotional tensions. I don't see any way to break this cycle, but maybe you have some ideas.

I know the Bible says we shouldn't love money, but I grew up in a poor family, so I've always worked hard.

I know the Bible says we shouldn't love money, and I don't think I do. But I grew up in a poor family, and all my life I've worked hard so my family wouldn't have to go through what I did. Am I wrong to do this?

Do you think we'll go to heaven when we die, or do we wait until the end of the world, when God will reunite our souls and bodies?

Do you think we will go to heaven as soon as we die, or do we have to wait until the end of the world, when God will reunite our souls and bodies? I've always wondered about this.

I wonder why God's never given me very much financially. Do you have any explanation for this?

Life has always been a struggle for me, and it still is, especially financially. I know God loves me, but sometimes I wonder why He's never given me very much. Some people I know don't care anything about God, and yet they seem to have it all. Do you have any explanation for this?

I think we should let people believe whatever they want to, as long as they aren't hurting anyone.

What right do people have to tell others what they ought to believe? "Live and let live" is my motto. I think we should let people believe whatever they want to, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. I'm offended at overzealous Christians who keep trying to convert me.

What are the signs of Alzheimer's? A relative of mine seems to be getting very forgetful.

What are the signs of Alzheimer's? I'm worried about my aunt (who lives on her own near us). She seems to be getting very forgetful but we don't know if it's just because she's getting older or if it's more serious.

I don't see how anyone can base their life on what the Bible says. We live in a totally different world than when the Bible was written.

I don't see how anyone can base their life on what the Bible says. After all, it was written thousands of years ago, and while it might have been useful to people in those days, we live in a totally different world and we know so much more than they did.

Was I just kidding myself when I thought I was saved?

I was real excited when I gave my life to Jesus at high school church camp a few months ago, but now it's kind of faded and I'm not even sure if I'm saved. Was I just kidding myself when I thought I was saved?

There's a debate in our church, and both sides claim the Bible supports them. How can each side say they are right?

We are having a debate in our church about something, and both sides are claiming that the Bible supports them. The issue isn't really important, but how can each side say they are right and the other side is wrong?

My mother-in-law is always telling people I'm not good enough for her family. It upsets my wife as well as me, but we don't know what to do.

I know there are all kinds of mother-in-law jokes, but our situation isn't a laughing matter. My mother-in-law has never forgiven me for stealing her daughter (as she puts it), and she never tires of telling people I'm not good enough for her family. It upsets my wife as well as me, but we don't know what to do.

How many second chances does God give us, before He gets fed up and won't have anything more to do with us?

How many second chances does God give us, before He gets fed up and won't have anything more to do with us? My life has been full of second chances—times when God spared my life or was trying to get my attention—but I've always blown them off. Now I'm afraid He's given up on me.

I know I'm supposed to look forward to Jesus' second coming, but I don't. Is it a mistake for me to feel like this?

I know that I'm supposed to look forward to Jesus' second coming, but to be honest, I don't. I know I haven't done as much as I should have for God, and I'd be ashamed to have Him come before I'm ready. Is it a mistake for me to feel like this?