
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

When should Christians stand up for their rights, and when should they just accept a bad situation?

When should Christians stand up for their rights, and when should they just accept a bad situation and not make a fuss about it? Some people in our homeowners' association want to spend money in a way we think may be illegal, but we hate to get the reputation of being troublemakers.

How can we fear God and also love Him at the same time? Isn't that a contradiction?

How can we fear God and also love Him at the same time? Isn't that a contradiction? I suppose I mainly fear God and try to do things that I think will please Him, but I know the Bible also tells us to love Him, and I have a hard time doing that.

If God already knows what He's going to do, why bother to ask Him to do something when it's going to happen anyway?

Why should we bother to pray? After all, God already knows what He's going to do, so why bother to ask Him to do something when it's going to happen anyway?

Do you think we'll ever totally eliminate all sickness and disease, so we can go on living on this earth forever?

Do you think we'll ever totally eliminate all sickness and disease, so we can go on living on this earth forever? I am a pharmacist, and with all the medical discoveries I see every day I've begun to wonder if this might be possible. Could this be what the Bible means by eternal life?

I really prayed about college, and I thought God was telling me to go here, but now I'm not sure.

I've just been in college a few days, and already I'm wondering if I've made a mistake. I haven't made any friends, and I don't even like most of what I'm taking. I really prayed about college, and I thought God was telling me to go here, but now I'm not sure. What should I do now?

What is your definition of a greedy person?

What is your definition of a greedy person? All my uncle ever thinks about is money, and yet when I said something to him about it one time, he replied that God wanted him to be successful, so it wasn't wrong.

My brother died last year, and I feel that God took him in order to punish me for not being kinder to him.

My brother died last year of lung cancer, and I can't help but feel that God took him in order to punish me for not being kinder to him (we didn't get along very well). My husband says that's crazy, but I still can't get it out of my mind. Am I wrong to think this way?

Does the Bible say much about the Lord's Supper and how we ought to observe it?

The church we started attending several months ago places a lot more emphasis on observing the Lord's Supper than our previous church did. Does the Bible say much about the Lord's Supper and how we ought to observe it?

I'm having a hard time getting into the Bible. Do you have any suggestions?

I know I ought to read the Bible, but I'm having a hard time getting into it. I made a New Year's resolution to start at the beginning and read the Bible straight through this year, but finally I just quit. Do you have any suggestions?

If Jesus is coming back, do you think people will treat Him the second time the way they treated Him the first time?

I am a new Christian, and in the Bible study I'm going to they said something the other day about Jesus coming back to earth some day. Is this what the Bible teaches? If so, do you think people will treat Him the second time the way they treated Him the first time?

How can I be sure I'll go to heaven?

I've never been religious, but a few weeks ago my aunt died and her nephew gave me a sealed letter from her to be opened after her death. In it, she told me she had prayed for me all my life, and she hopes she'll see me in heaven. How can I be sure I'll go there? I've never thought about this before.

We are brokenhearted because our son's wife won't let us spend time with our grandchildren.

We are brokenhearted because our son's wife won't let us spend time with our grandchildren. She is a very self-centered person and difficult to get along with, but our son just tells us to be grateful for the brief visits we do get. Is this a hopeless situation, do you think?