
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can my family "Keep Christ in Christmas" this year?

Every year, I think about that slogan, "Keep Christ in Christmas," and every year, I say I'm going to do it. But then I get busy and worried about the money we're spending and all the things I have to do, and I end up forgetting it. How can my family keep Christ in Christmas this year?

A famous scientist once said that religion just gets in the way of being a true scientist. Is he right?

I read a statement recently by a famous scientist who said he was glad he grew up in a family without any religion, because religion just gets in the way of being a true scientist. I'm in college and want to do medical research some day, but this worries me. Is he right?

I struggle with reading the Bible. Does this mean I'm being disobedient to God, or that I'll always be spiritually weak?

I know I ought to read the Bible, but I'm dyslexic and have always had a great struggle reading, and I'll never be able to tackle it. Does this mean I'm being disobedient to God, or that I'll always be spiritually weak?

How can I be on guard when I don't know when or how the Devil's going to attack me? Or should I even worry about this?

From time to time, our preacher tells us we ought to be on guard against the devil, and I'm sure he's right. But how can I be on guard when I don't know when or how he's going to attack me? Or should I even worry about this?

When Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins, did He go joyfully, or did He go reluctantly?

When Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins, did He go joyfully, or did He go reluctantly? I've always wondered about this.

My husband and I are elderly. Are we wrong not to make the effort to keep going to our church?

My husband and I are mainly confined to our home because of age, and the only preaching we hear is on radio or TV. Are we wrong not to make the effort to keep going to our church? We miss it very much, but the last time we went I fell, and I just don't handle crowds very well now.

My sister-in-law constantly worries that she'll displease God. I don't think God wants us to feel that way, but am I wrong?

I don't doubt that my sister-in-law is a Christian but her faith mainly consists of following a lot of rules. She's constantly worrying that she'll displease God by doing something she shouldn't do. We don't think God wants us to feel like this, but are we wrong?

A friend of mine had a very unhappy life. Will she still look sad in heaven?

What will we look like in heaven? A friend of mine who'd had a very unhappy life died recently, and although she was a very devout person, she often had a sad expression on her face. Will she still look sad in heaven?

I try not to think about dying because I enjoy life and still have lots of things I want to do.

We had a high school reunion a few weeks ago, and I was shocked at how many of our classmates had passed away since our last one. But I try not to think about dying because I enjoy life and still have lots of things I want to do. Am I wrong to think this way?

I'm still not sure I believe in God, but why do I feel a vague sense of guilt?

Both my parents were atheists, and they taught me not to feel guilty over anything I did because there wasn't any such thing as absolute right and wrong. But now that I'm older, I feel a vague sense of guilt anyway. I'm still not sure I believe in God, but why do I feel this way?

I've just been diagnosed with an incurable disease. Can you give me a reason not to kill myself?

I've just been diagnosed with an incurable disease that will leave me weaker and in more and more pain as the months go by. Can you give me any reason not to take my own life right now? Not only would it save me from all that suffering, but it would also spare my family. I don't want to be a burden to them.

My co-worker claims to be a Christian, but when he gets upset he swears and cusses.

We have a man in our office who is active in his church and claims to be a sincere Christian, and yet when he gets upset about something (which is fairly often), he swears and cusses without even being embarrassed over it. Is he a real Christian, do you think?